Strong women!

in #steemit6 years ago

Being a woman is an incredible gift and the recent wave of girl power should remind you of that. Whether a tomboy or a girly girl, gay or straight or anywhere in between, being a woman is something to celebrate and never apologize for. Sure, there is still way too much misogyny out there— I mean, we have a president who's made a damn career of it. But that makes it all the more important to never apologize and never back down. There will always being shortsighted and prejudiced men and women who think that being a woman makes you somehow less. And they can shut right the eff up.

Because far beyond the little thing called bearing actual life there are so many amazing inventions, achievements, and innovations to thank women for. Women do so much every day. Need any more convincing? BEYONCE IS A WOMAN. There, I think I've made my case.

But seriously, there are so many ways being a woman is should be a source of joy and inspiration. So live it up. And never forget Maya Angelou's famous words,

"Does my sexiness upset you? Does it come as a surprise That I dance like I’ve got diamonds At the meeting of my thighs?"kisspng-pop-art-drawing-poster-illustration-european-and-american-pop-style-girl-5a6ab7d9d4b732.4363521515169433218713.jpg

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