Vote Buying = BRIBERY

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Paying for votes so you don't have to put really any work into your content is dishonest.

No different than paying off a ref to win the game, a teacher to get the grade, or a superior to get a promotion.
Thus, bribe.


Don't blame the tools. Greed and a lack of concern have been a factor the entire time.

It just all starts to get weird when only certain players are allowed to "scam" the system.

Everyone has stake, everyone has the ability to flag... or complain.

What really bugs me is that I'm having to waste my voting power flagging shitty behavior.

It is far from the first shitty behavior. It might just be the shitty behavior that wakes people up.

I am pleased it is happening, which is different than saying I like it.

I also hate paying my electric bill, and my home security system. However, it is a part of life.

I'm pleased it's happening too.
It's like vomiting. You know doing it will make you feel better, but that doesn't mean you like doing it.

Exactly... and I am sorry about my small votes, but I too am rekt today from flagging. I'm excited though, it seems there is finally more voices involved in the conversation.

Have you ever felt so sick, you started looking forward to the vomit. lol, that is my mood today.

I'm blaming the tool makers, actually.
I also blame the users who take performance enhancing drugs. In this case, however, there's no "banned substance list", as it were. So we have to actually trust people, which is terrible because human beings are, by and large, NOT trustworthy.

I agree. I'm also avoiding the contests to do this or that for some steem. I did one when I first came on the platform, but I felt like some sort of trained seal clapping my flippers for a piece of a fish.

Hmm, verdict!
I mean myself!

Isn't promoting my post in a chatroom almost the same? It'S spending a lot of TIME instead of SBD or STEEM into something which is not sure would work. But the obvious plus is you spend your time in acknowledging the work and the content of others.
Ok, got it!

Posting your link around is you promoting your post, not buying success. You're marketing your post. Buying votes is like using performance enhancing drugs to get an advantage. If you can't succeed without taking them, then you probably shouldn't be an athlete.

You could also argue it is investing in your post. Isn't it dishonest or iniquitious to invest in yourself, by upvoting your own post, or by investing in a bot, that upvotes your post?

I believe there's a gray area to that. Self-voting should have a cap, because if you're votes are huge and you can make hundreds in one click, that can very easily be abused. But can you honestly say that about another person doing the same thing whose vote is only worth a dime? Not really, IMO.
There needs to be a cap.

Well I guess that is what you get when you let people do whatever they want on blockchains with no repercussions

Yeah, you get people like me who - FINALLY, after being here nearly 2 years - are saying,

"Hey, that's a shitty thing to do. Stop being shitty."

I think the pc term is lobbying...
Can't afford a congressman, senator sorry you you opinion doesn't count...
but hey we will kiss your baby and make promises...

I see it no differently than someone paying off a superior for a grade or a promotion or something like that.

Your preaching to the choir. I agree, nothing say personal interaction like 90% votes made by bot's...

Urghh, Do I get hung, now?

I'll stick with bribery. Seems more appropriate.

significant & awesome!

I remember early on with people being flagged for doing what is standard practice now. I guess this is how a decentralised social platform works. Whatever people support will become the norm.
I’m not a fan of vote buying bots it doesn’t improve the social aspect of the platform.

I'm glad i'm not the only one with that mindset. The trash page...oops "trending" page looks like a wasteland full of reward pool rapists with shitty photos, it's getting disgusting, I mean i'm just a hobby photographer and I can see it's poor quality junk. I don't believe in buying votes or as some call it "success" . In the end it's robbing everyone and I hope some whales start to take notice and trash their rewards to what it's really worth. I wish I could flag them but at .03 cents on a 300$-1000$ post isn't going to do much. I tried reporting to the people running the bot...I'm not sure they care, so I have started to remove my witness votes for some of the bot owners because I do believe it should be up to the bot owners to use their bots responsibly and not up to the community to flag all the trash they upvote for profit. I think as new users join they will see the behavior and indulge because they want to make it so until someone does something substantial to make an example of the abuse it will just get worse.

Indeed. I've talked about it in posts when I first saw it after I came back to Steemit last spring or summer I think it was. Then I left again, and I see the bs is still strong...

I have a plan to use chaos as a teacher, but it will require more people to join in to show people the error of their ways as we collectively create our own suffering and show the errors of this behavior. "Living by example" or "leading by example" has not worked out for me. It has only hurt me as the rich and powerful didn't like being exposed,and I was targeted with flags for months... If people can't see the error of their ways, we need to maximize the chaos to show how bad it actually is.

Chaos can teach. If more people join the selfish behavior as an effort to expose it, then it can manifest as an in-your-face reality that people don't see right now how it negatively impacts the platform. Then the collective can see how its bad, and collectively choose to make it frowned behavior with consequences.

P.S. Hit me up on discord if you want to understand wtf I'm talking about lol

I've actually decided to try and tackle this in a more positive way. I've updated my other posting requesting delegation to say that I don't plan on using it for flagging, but rather to use that voting power to upvote the true talent that's getting buried. After some thought, I figure the flagging approach would likely be a losing battle. So instead I can use my expertise to do my part to see to it that the good stuff gets UN-buried.

Ok, I'm not talking about flagging though.

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