
it took two MONTHS to go from 25 to 43?

Thank you. I did work hard. I'm using the bid bots along with quality posts. I'm totally against the people who use them to up vote their spam posts. I won't be using them forever. Your exactly right about the bribery thing. That's the way the world works nowadays. The entertainment industry is 95% bribery and 5% talent. Pay to play radio campaigns for musicians and large fees to get into the screen actors guild (sag) for actors. Its all about bribery now. I just want to get a good start. I haven't invested a dime of my own money yet, just time. I will be investing soon. I just wanted to see what its like to do it from scratch. It can be done but it isn't easy. If people would actually use their votes rather than sell them, it would be much easier. Hopefully these things will be fixed in the future.

Your right. I have been here for almost 2 months now. Sorry I said a month in my first comment. Time flies.

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