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RE: Vote for this simple change to the UI & Take the dollar a vote pledge!

in #steemit8 years ago

Ya know I disagree with that. For one thing, it might be wiser for people who "need the money" to actually power down and just take a weekly paycheck check. They would get their money more consistently and reliably, plus it would reduce attrition rates if people viewed it as a long term thing like an annuity.

All that aside, it's not discrimination to highlight posts with options selected which are good for the community. 100% SP is taking on a bit of bagholder risk for the community. It helps to dry up the excess liquidity on the market, but people have to know it's there and they have to know it's being used. They should have SOME compensation for assuming the title of bagholder here and a badge and some preferential sorting treatment I think are ideal.

Think of it like promoted posts. Promoted posts have their own section and sort by how much money has been burnt up to get them to that point. People running promoted posts are being selfless since they are burning up SBD which raises the price for everyone. They deserve their own place, the extra sorting and the additional whale attention. Nothing discriminatory about it at all.

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