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RE: downvoting from anyone that reduces payout because they think the post isn't deserving is wrong

in #steemit8 years ago

Upvoting, resteeming and if I had the funds to promote thisl I would.

Guys here's the truth.
If you have enough power that your flag or vote matters it means you have invested money in steem.
Each time you flag over rewards you are devalueing not only that post but your own investment as well.

Why? Because it's demoralizing to the people who are on the receiving end of that. They give up, they leave if they have any steem they are going to dump it and they are going to let their friends know. "Hey guys be careful over at steemit, there are individuals who like to power trip and it's worse than a power hungry redditor because it costs real money".

This keeps people away. It makes the entire platform unattractive and unpalatable. With no one coming to steemit no one is going to buy steem. The bottom will drop out and your currency will be worthless.

Don't be a petty douchebag just because it's easier. Seek out content you like and upvote it. Quit worrying about what the other guy is earning, frankly it's none of your business.


Thanks for the feedback.

I want to argue that if we have more reality reflective and descriptive labels for those actions that the confusion and disagreement won't happen:
Miscommunication leads to complication! Lauryn Hill speaks that truth with that.
We can call it a downvote, as it is such, or call it a flag/abuse button, but if it acts like a downvote AND a flag, and if it looks like a downvote AND a flag but is called a flag then it won't matter what it's used for, everyone will call it a flag, regardless of the fact that it's only a downvote.
A flag should not be something tied to SP, no user should have more or less say in flagging. As an act that requires a real definition and not a convoluted list of ever changing reasons that creates this confusion flagging should be equal opportunity, everyone but the author should be able to vote on the content as purely a flag, and in case of abuse allow the community to vote against the flag and against the flag-er itself as well, and tie it into the rep system where only people over a certain rep can affect a flag and a counter flag.
In the same manner if it acts like a flag, if it looks like a flag, it should be called a flag.


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