I'm changing what I resteem and here's why.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Until recently, I've used the resteem button solely to highlight content that I felt was undervalued, without necessarily taking the time to review the comments or leave comments of my own.

Yet there are many topics of late for which the commentary and discussion is as important and interesting as the original topic and with some changes planned for the next hard fork, commentary is about to get a lot more interesting as comment depth limits are removed and the time period for payouts is set to 7 days.

What I've realized is that the real value of a resteem in this upcoming system, is not only in highlighting content, but also the discussion that ensues.

Thus when I resteem it's content and commentary I'm inviting you to come and join in on. If you see something I've resteemed in your feed, then please consider giving it a read even if the topic isn't normally your cup of tea.

My goal is to post less of my own content and instead participate with everyone else, especially when the topic is something I'm considering blogging about anyways.

Mark my words, the extra engagement from active and engaging commentary is what will define this platform going forward.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and if you're planning the same thing, please feel free to resteem this post.
This post is 100% steem powered!

Image credit: @felixxx


Hello @williambanks,

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Wow! Thank you so much! I'm honored!

Hey, I made that image !
Glad you like it :)

I like it very much. Sorry for using it without attribution. I've updated my post. I found the image during a google image search for "steemit resteem" and it was the first image that came up, so I assumed it was an official steemit image. Great work there!

Thanks for letting me know! Upvoted and following you now!

Thanks ! :)

My original idea of resteem was a little different:


But I was the first to bring it up on Steemit.com.
Shortly after, it was implemented.
Got 7 cents for it :D

guess you will double your reward now...


You guys reading my content is all the reward I really need.

Nice post! For the long-term development of the platform, and price of Steem, engagement is key.

Exactly, therefore at least for my part, a resteem is a direct invitation to you to join in and engage with me and the others discussing whatever we happen to be discussing, even if the original topic isn't your normal cup of tea.

I agree! I know bots may have their place, but nothing beats good, old-fashioned human interaction; in this case actually reading and commenting on an article one feels worthwhile of one's time.
I believe this is what Steemit was founded upon: human interaction (regardless of payout, the price of Steem, or anything monetary).

One can go anywhere and be alone in playing online games, write an article about which one felt passionate to get a few "likes"; or just read other's articles. But, nowhere else can one fully engage with others, or simply be heard without the fear of censorship, having one's post be 'filtered' by the 'powers that be,' or audaciously dismissed.

I can get just as caught up in the comments as the main article, with the exception of what I call 'token comments' like, "nice work, man," or "I know what you mean." Personally, I don't make 'token comments.' If the article doesn't provoke a conversational response from me, but I like it, I simply upvote it and move on. < a vision of an RV pulling out of a camping spot comes to mind. (I make my payment and go my merry way).>

If I make comments, I feel as if I'm planting flower seeds. The result is dependent upon the soil (original article), the fertilizer (my comment), the rain (other's comments), and the sun (the time frame allotted for payout). I'm really glad that time frame may be moving from 24 hours to 7 days (from what i've seen), to truly give posts a real chance.

I really like this comparison with flower seeds. A good thread should get deep roots.

It would generelly be awesome to be able to leave a little note (in sense of 'reason why I resteemed / considered this piece worth sharing') when resteeming something (like we know if from other apps like facebook, for instance). There have been many times I would have loved having such a feature to give my followers a little hint and animate them to consider the reblogged content... Maybe s.th. to bear in mind for the next version :)

Engagement is great because it also helps build a sense of community... and when there's a feeling of community, it's good for the long term growth and stability of the site.

Exactly and the upcoming changes seem to be slated to increase engagement by encouraging discussion and debate. Which frankly, all I can say is thank god. We've needed this stuff for a long time now and I'm super glad @dantheman and company are taking this seriously.

Will the comment pool share also increase from 1%? I remember Dan suggesting upping it to 38%

I remember that suggestion being a suggestion. But I fully support the idea. For official announcements it's best to follow @steemitblog
The idea you're talking about was discussed here...

It was debated pretty heavily but I don't see a commit one way or the other, but it's longish and the present UI isn't so great for handling really long threads like that.

Either way it's been 25 days since that announcement, so I think something will be coming soon.

I see. I'm rooting for increase as well. 1% is way too little, 38% might sound a lot but we always talk about attention economy - There is only so much attention to go around and if your post happens to gather some, both should be rewarded. There are so many posts and people are complaining of low view rates and 0 comments yet we give 1% for those who do that work which cannot be automated.

I agree with you on this. 38% actually feels low to me. If we really want engagement, making it a 50/50 split would seem to my mind to be the correct way. But we'll have to wait and see.

I like your thinking. Let's hope that we will have a much more engaging and interactive platform moving forwards,now that the nesting limit is removed.

Thanks for the excellent comments and the resteem! Like I said before, I don't think any higher praise is possible on this platform than resteem. So it's really appreciated!

Good point. I've not used the Resteem button yet, mainly because I simply forget it's there. My idea on it was indeed to Resteem content that deserved more attention (in my humble opinion). I think that is where I'll start (once I remember to use the button), but I will definitely keep your idea in mind! Especially if it's a topic I'm very interested in.

Excellent point. There are a ton of people who see it and don't understand what it's there for.
In my opinion, having someone resteem my content is the ultimate compliment on the content.
But I would love to see my posts filled with long threads debating important topics because that's how people sort out their differences and how to come to a meeting of the minds.

Once the comment depth limits are lifted it will be an incredible change to the way this platform operates.

I completely agree with you. Both are a great compliment on a post.

I would be very happy to see the comment depth limit go. I don't hit it that often, but when I do, it's such a hassle to continue a conversation and it's annoying to read it back aswell.

I agree with this 1000%.
I've seen plenty of conversations that didn't make any sense until I read them on steemd.com instead of steemit. It can be a hassle jumping back and forth like that and then trying to continue on the side when the depth limit it hit is just no bueno.

I'm super glad for most of the upcoming changes.

Hi @williambanks! I so agree with you that it is an ultimate compliment if someone resteems your post. I often feel discouraged when I see that very few people actually read my posts. I am very particular about my posts because I have many students that read my posts. I also hope that this reward system would bring a change to the way this platform operates.

Thanks glad you like it!
By the way @giantbear speaking of students, I thought you might like to see my summer project :D

Yip I saw that. Brilliant idea!! We should have a separate section where we could have all our posts on our different projects. After all we are doing this to promote steemit and this might inspire others to do the same?

Mark my words, the extra engagement from active and engaging commentary is what will define this platform going forward.

YES. I really don't know why many people don't get this. They're so wrapped up in their own content, or a small circle they frequently interact with, that they don't engage with other people who actively comment on their content. One day, all those people would get disenfranchised, leave Steemit, then they'll notice that their post engagement has dropped. They could've stopped the bleeding, but they're too busy admiring themselves to notice.

Re-steemed, because I've been doing the same thing all this time.

This is good thinking. Glad you're already doing it. I was always one of the slow kids. I'm quite certain my personal revelation here is a no duh moment for most folks. I just get excited when I think I've figured something new out. :D

Thanks for resteeming!

Never mind the time you get there, what matters is that you arrived in the destination, er, in this case, the revelation. You always have such good intentions, and I do hope that more people will listen to this message when you say it. I've been preaching this a long time and nobody ever seems to pay attention haha!

(I'm one of the early adopters of you #payitforward initiative a while back, I'm not sure if you remember.)

Yes I remember, and it made sense back when there wasn't following etc. Looks like @merej99 took it and made it something even better than I could have hoped.
Now if we can just get more traffic on #nameinlights

I just saw this post . Thanks for your input ! I missed out for a while and follow up on a few articles in those past days . I usually resteem if it fits my interest , I want to help the authors and I always spend so much time to comment and read anyways.

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