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RE: YouTube will dominate steemit.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

This is exactly it, when we start getting big name youtubers then I figure we can consider steemit "mainstream" lol. At that point how many are beginning to understand and hold crypto's? How many millions (potentially billions) now have the same currency that can be traded in between each other? How does this effect The current momentary systems in power across the globe? How will things change...

These are exciting times, steemit could very well be that bridge we need to branch out and entice mainstream adoption. Or at least be the start of it and if that happens I truly wonder how the financial systems throughout the world will change.


It will indeed be good for cryptos in general and Bitcoin in particular if the site succeeds.

I've got a video I'm going to make about this, but the preview would be that this sort of system could turn most media interactions in to income generation streams, which makes the increasingly inevitable automation of labor not really scary because you can make money writing posts, playing games, and liking and sharing content.

Exactly, we either need to move past this monentary for profit style system, or we need to figure out a way people can still get paid.

You hit the nail on the head eventually machines will be completing most manual labour jobs. Hell they may be completing most jobs in general, so if we wanna keep the same style of for profit system we need new ways for people to generate an income in ways a machine can't or "isn't allowed".

Thinking about this topic inspired me to invite a guest to my YouTube channel to discuss it. Here's the video!

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