Freedom on SteemIt - As We Find Out Culture - Rambling observations.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

We all have our visions on what we want SteemIt to be, on what is "Quality Content", what is offensive, and what is not.  In any new society there will be power struggles, some drama, and people searching for the rules.  

                                   (Even when there are not rules, there are societal rules)

It is interesting  is how the culture is developing.  In my first couple of weeks, I was asking why is this so chaotic, who is in charge, where are the leaders?  And then, I started to understand the ideas behind decentralized block chain and a light bulb went off.  Instead of being irritated - I got very interested in how this will all develop.   Let's face it, when the money and power are very condensed, people have incentives to follow the ideals of the leaders.   Thankfully, every society has it's rebels, it's skeptics, the hall monitors, those that see themselves as protectors, and the reporters.

Rebels - "I will say what I want, and you can't stop me."
Skeptics - "I think this is a scam"
Hall-Monitors - "Did you see what so and so posted? I flagged it.  It is important to me that everyone follows rules."
Protectors - I am only trying to save the platform/currency/other users.
Reporters - I looked into the block chain, and I found this out.  (either good or bad)

Free clip Art

Combine the currency side of this with the social element and you end up with a lot of people who feel ownership and community.  Some want a safe place, some want a place to rebel, some want quality content, some want to change lives, some want to vent, some like to report and many of us like to watch the platform and the price and attempt to understand where it is headed.

Somewhere during the last several weeks, of being influenced by the members of this community I am curious  how this all develops.  Even the White Paper describes this as an experiment.   I love to people watch, so it is  interesting watching my fellow digital people trying to find their place in this society.

Coming soon,..  Will the Whales Divest their power?  Will we ban trolls?  Will the price fall, If it falls, is there a bottom we can't get past?  Hmm.  Will the "Safe Place" people and the Rebels, take each other down, or find peace.  I will be tuning in.

Bad Art by @whatsup

Follow and Vote, Or Not, it is a Free, err, decentralized, block chain thing.


I like your art and it's perfect for a project I'm working on. Mind telling me what your email address is and I'll send you an invite?

Would it be possible to send my email to your email, as at this time, I don't want to post it here. Or can I meet up with you on Steemit Chat. My handle there is also whatsup.

Sure my public email is [email protected] I'll be replying from a different address though.

Fun! I'll play.
A few additional types of Steemarians might be...

Cheerleaders: people who try to connect with anyone feeling left out. I've been playing that role lately and it's made me aware of how many others are doing the same thing.

Community Leaders: people who host contests and initiatives like Project Curie or Name in Lights

Noobs: people who really are just looking around baffled and trying to decide it this is for them.

Correcters: (yes that's what I am being by adding on, even though I mean it to be fun) People who can't just not.

Naive hopefuls: people who post things like "Will this get any upvotes?" and that's literally their entire post.

Awesome bloggers: people who already knew how to blog and maybe even had followings and are generally fascinating to read and it's impossible to understand how they are so good at something I am still trying to wrap my head around.

Predators: Trolls and opportunists who either piss people off because they can and get off on it or secretly steal or hack into accounts and pretend to be other people.

Comedians: people who are here for fun and don't take it too seriously. Sometimes they post jokes, other times satires, sometimes even real articles but with a light-hearted attitude.

Libertarians and Anarchists: I am one, so it's okay for me to say this...people who have written manifestos and are gargling in ecstasy at being able to interact with like minds.

Artists: musicians, videographers, painters, illustrators, writers, glass artists and doodlers of all types who are able to market their work for free and even make money by marketing it.

Developers, cryptocurrency early-adopters, whales: people who actually understand the data.

I think you really hit the nail on the head in discussing how many conflicting visions are intersecting here. Not everyone here wants Steemit to thrive and those who do don't necessarily agree on what that would look like or how to get from here to there. I've been enjoying your approach. Keep rockin' it, @whatsup. :)

I love your additions! We might have to do a joint post, where other people let us give them labels. How fun would that be!

Every society has its own unwritten rule.
And every group has its own roles to play.

ha ha, interesting post--r u a rebel? which category r u? just followed u

I have multiple personalities. I guess I am a reporter, with low techie skills. :)

I like everyone on that list but the hall monitors. xD
keep up the good work.

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