Fighting Over That Big Steemy Piece of Pie - While the New Users and Steem Prices Die.

in #steemit8 years ago

 Every Start Up Company I Have Seen Has Had To Make Adjustments in the Plan.

*This bad art was made by me, to represent each day's voting pie.  Slice it however you want, it is still just the same ole' pie.

I came here to invest, I spent my first couple hours reading, and decided to invest time and hold off on the money for now.

They can change the voting rules all day, it isn't going to fix the fact that 90% of the power lies in the hand a of a few people and even with the best intentions they can't help but to influence the site with their power.  They don't have the time or depth to read all of the "Essays"  (Yes, I call them asseys, because that is what many people tell the new user to post, little neat bundled essays)  Create little teams to vote on stuff, it is all in an effort to change the fact that only a few opinions can really matter around here. The Whales.

Who are the whales?  They are the founders, the miners, the idea people, and those who put work and effort into this thing called Steem and SteemIt.  They are cryptocurrency wizards and technical experts, programmers, coders, etc.   They are obviously very smart, and have a valuable skill set.  I have no problem with them having a huge payoff for what they created.  

What they created accidentally or on purpose is a platform that is controlled by a few, but meant for many.  No matter how much the minnows swim around and create better content, every vote we get is a vote out of that pie.  (There is a limited pie of voting Steem each day)    

However,  what if this narrow group isn't the best suited to determine what social media is about and what topics we want to read about and recognizing the quality content they are looking for?  What if this unique set of skills doesn't apply to the social media end?  

More Importantly:  Is it good for our community?

The debate is on, the community and the value of Steem and SteemIt, are hanging in the balance.  

I seriously considered cutting and pasting some of the best and worst comments on the post I linked below.  (I put it below so you could finish reading before following the link.   I am sure you have seen the article it is on the trending page, but if you take the time to read the comments, you will gain a new and troubling view of where this community is currently at.  

If you are invested or investing.. READ THE COMMENTS.

Some parts of this post were taken from a previous post but due to the conversations going on, I felt I wanted to re-write it a bit.


"They can change the voting rules all day, it isn't going to fix the fact that 90% of the power lies in the hand a of a few people and even with the best intentions they can't help but to influence the site with their power. "

Actually - they can re-code and make anything possible. For example - Whales that are not active can have their steem power distributed temporarily to active users.

Okay, good point. But I don't see any signs of that.

As @decentro wrote, its possible to do anything where you are the programmer. Think of it like being God, all they have to do is write the code. And there have been lots of talks of figuring out how to redistribute the power, but it takes a lot of time to figure out how to do things correctly so that they'll last and maintain their integrity through time rather than a quick fix which will only need a new bandaid shortly after. In the same hand, quick fixes are likely to create a new set of problems needing to be addressed. We are still in beta phase - don't worry, just discuss and steem on! :D

However, what if this narrow group isn't the best suited to determine what social media is about and what topics we want to read about and recognizing the quality content they are looking for? What if this unique set of skills doesn't apply to the social media end?

Hmmmm. Hadn't thought of that. I was too busy deifying them.

Its a hot topic at the moment and I think it right that you have called it out. What to do and how to progress is a tough challenge

I think we need to keep talking about it. If possible without hostility towards the whales, but with an eye to how to retain future users, as the slices of pie will get smaller and smaller.

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