Building the Community - Living on the Block Chain

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Full Disclosure...  This post is nearly a full copy and paste of a post I did regarding the site and the community 5 months ago.  It feels relevant again and with new players,..  I really wanted to share it again.  Vote Accordingly as this would be considered a re-run.   


What is a community?  

According to

1. a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality,share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage.
We can take that definition and apply it to the residents of SteemIt”.  We reside at least part of the time on Steemit, although we are decentralized, there is definitely a power structure we could call government, and our cultural heritage is what we are currently creating.  We have somethings in common - at least some amount of computer skills, blogging, reading, and whether it is new to us or we are experts the element of Steem as a currency is also involved.

*Original bad art by @whatsup
Despite what we have in common, as with any community we have many different personality types, we have different goals, and different visions and approaches on  where we want to see SteemIt go.  Personally, I think those differences are good and ultimately add value to the platform and will help create a diverse and interesting social media platform in the future.

In our diverse community we have people from different nations, socio-economic backgrounds, vastly different careers, ideologies, politics, etc.  We have suspended our differences to come here and participate.  As vast as our social differences are our motives for being here.  Some are here to express themselves via, blog, vblog, cartoons, jokes, art, political statements, investigations, programming or coding, we all have a medium.  Some are here to make money, blog in privacy, or without advertisements, some do not want to be censored and some are just “testing” the waters of something new.  


If you have ever lived in a small town you can imagine the different personalities there. The nosy mail lady, the old men who have coffee at the cafe every morning while they discuss world issues, the sweet lady down the road who has an ear for anyone who needs it.  The anxious PTO moms trying to make sure the kids get everything they need to be successful.  The grumpy old man who lives on the corner and yells at the kids, but if you dog get’s out he will walk “Fluffy” home.  After you live in the community for a while you end up with a  respect for all the personalities, especially if you take the time to understand their point of view.

*bad art by @whatsup

Recently, there was some conflict in our community and some are distressed by this.  My position is we are ironing out our different roles and finding our place in this community.  We are getting to know each other, we are learning to manage our expectations, we are seeking what role we can play here, and we are questioning the structure of the very community we live in.   Some like visibility, some like quiet, some hate conflict and others use it as a way to find their place.  Everyone wants to achieve or accomplish what they came here to do.  Things rarely go as planned, so when you plan isn’t working out, adjust.  I won’t say Beta, because I get tired of hearing it.  I will say this is a young community still building a culture.  

I am a people watcher, I love social dynamics and I am always curious about what drives other people.  I am not of the “Everything is Perfect” so, just sing praises crowd.  Yet,  I am certain the phase we are in is necessary for growth and the overall health of the community.  As a community if we just keep the conversation going, keep participating and keep respecting the experiment as a whole we will find our places, our roles and our voices.  SteemIt is to each of us, whatever we make it.  I see people say, “I have faith in SteemIt”.  I do not have faith, faith sounds kind of passive and as if someone else is going to do it for you.  I have commitment for SteemIt and I believe with effort, participation and yes, even some drama we can be successful.

To each one of us, that means find your niche, experiment, speak up, if you are wrong apologize, if someone wrongs you forgive, if this isn’t your thing, people come and go from communities all of the time.  If you need help, find a mentor, ask for feedback.  But, remember,  not everyone was meant to live on the Block Chain.  However, many of us are.  


Hello @whatsup,

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Hey, thank you! I am a fan of @steemtrail.

I think part of the reason why I haven't been so distressed about what's going on in Steemit is because I simply haven't changed anything about what I do here. I am still posting, commenting, and curating. I write what I like when I like. I don't hold back my upvotes, and I vote 100% except in the comments section. Maybe I have rose colored glasses on but I honestly don't know what all the fuss is about.

I will be the first to admit I don't know a darn thing about how the numbers work or even why people feel compelled to screw with them. Everything is not perfect - but neither is life. And we shouldn't forget that we're in beta either. If everyone expected good and bad change and a little upheaval and took their ego out of it, maybe we wouldn't have a bunch of posts complaining about how things are.

I'm here for the content and the community. The rewards are a bonus. I hope that my interactions here are helping the forum by testing it to its limits. I say we need to do our best to break the darn thing so we can fix the weaknesses. I also believe that our users (for the most part) are smarter than you'll find anywhere else on the internet. So, to the general populace, JUST CREATE and build your community. The rest will sort itself out.

This is awesome!
Thank you ... Thank you ... Thank you ... Thank you ... Thank you ...

You are welcome! :)

I like your perspective on faith. Faith is believing in the unseen. I prefer to reserve that word for my faith in God. Steemit does not require faith. It requires dedication and hard work.

I enjoyed this one, too. I'm wading into Steemit to learn its ways and how it courses. I like your explanation of community and I appreciate diversity in a community.

I think we may part ways a bit with faith. The best definition of faith I have found is from Alan Watts:

"We must here make a clear distinction between belief and faith, because, in general practice, belief has come to mean a state of mind which is almost the opposite of faith. Belief, as I use the word here, is the insistence that the truth is what one would “lief” or wish it to be. The believer will open his mind to the truth on the condition that it fits in with his preconceived ideas and wishes. Faith, on the other hand, is an unreserved opening of the mind to the truth, whatever it may turn out to be. Faith has no preconceptions; it is a plunge into the unknown. Belief clings, but faith lets go. In this sense of the word, faith is the essential virtue of science, and likewise of any religion that is not self-deception."
Source:, from the book, The Wisdom of Insecurity.

I like this definition because so much in life is dependent on the continual exploration of existence, of what it is just to be. While I'm here, I have faith in Steemit, not for what it will or may not do for me, but for the discovery of what my life may be like on the blockchain. Whether I choose to live on the blockchain is a matter of faith for me.

Thanks for your post.

Interesting definition of faith. I like it, thank you for sharing. Welcome to SteemIt.

Thank you for the thoughtful comment. I have followed you.

wow thanks

Glad you enjoyed it.

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