Steemit Writers Guild Book project update : Deadline for stories + We need your support!

in #steemit7 years ago


The Steemit Writers Guild book project is coming along nicely. We've gathered around 10 authors so far and we are still accepting submissions for stories. The theme of the book will be "Life Lessons" so if you'd like to participate, talk to myself ( @whatamidoing ) or @vangelov in the discord chats.

The deadline for stories will be October 22

Each story should be 1500-4000 words.

If you can finish earlier PLEASE DO, it will help the editing process go much quicker and smoother :-D

For those who are unaware of what SWG is...

The goal of our book project is to simultaneously promote individual writers and creators AND We compile this collection of short stories as well as future collaborations into free e-books for promotion on Amazon, Facebook and other major social media platforms. We hope to bring new readers to our writers personal websites (including patreons etc.) and draw in a whole bunch of new Steemians.

Like this:

We need help on social media

If you or someone you know could help us promote the book (once published) on their Facebook, Youtube, whatever, please let us know! Remember, this is not only helping the writers, it's also helping Steemit grow as a platform which will in turn raise the price of STEEM. And it could potentially help some of us turn writing into a full time gig, so please show support :-D

We would also be happy to find artists and designers who could submit their work for future projects and potentially this one as well.

Our team is looking around for some SP delegation to give quality posts some support and raise awareness of this project.

We are aiming for publication in early November.

I've almost finished an Introduction to the book which explains to the readers what steemit is, how easy it is to organize collaborations on steemit and a bit about us.

So to sum up, we need:

  • writers
  • social media promoters
  • artists & designers
  • SP delegators

All contributors will recieve personal promotion in the finished book :-D

All upvotes and resteems will be super ultra appreciated. And please feel free to recommend your favorite writers and artists to us, we can't gaurantee a spot in the book but we will take everyone into consideration.


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The Be Awesome discord chat, was created with the intention of making deeper connections with fellow steemians. Come talk about "deep shit", practice languages or make friends.

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I'm intrigued. When you say the theme is 'life lessons', are we looking for uplifting self-help type essays? Fiction with a 'positive' angle? How-to exposition on how to be a better person? Or do more mundane 'I made a terrible decision and this is how my life got screwed up, and I guess I won't do that again' type fiction fit here as well?

Well it's all stories so not really essay format. I think we have a lot of uplifting stories, mine is just a tad psychadelic. I think it'd be ok to have something different mr. negative ;-) As long as it's written well.

Spiffy. Can we re-tool something we've already posted on steemit in the past? How do you actually want writing submissions to be made to your project?

Sure. Try to choose something less blog-y and more suitable for publication. That's hard to define sometimes but I trust your judgement. If you have discord you can find me there and we can talk about it

Hey beautiful. I would love to submit a story. Please forgive me for avoiding chat type programs.

And you should look into

When formated properly, not only do you get a free ISBN, but They distribute it to over 10 major players.

thanks for the recommendation! I was actually planning on seeking you out but I've been swamped. Should I find you in

Nope :) I am avoiding all things chat.

Email -- clevercreatorsteemit at gmail dot com

You have been missed.

Great initiative!

Still wondering how I can contribute to this, help out with this one way or another. I'm sure we will find a way. Let's chat about it some more over the next couple of days.

Love the sound of this publication @whatamidoing and will gladly promote it on my Facebook Page for the work of other 'Creatives.'

I'm not really a 'writer' but have found since being here at Steemit that I love to play with words that my imagery brings to mind. Maybe this may develop into 'story telling' at some stage. Resteemed. 🦋

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