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RE: @jedau's Great Steemit Purge of 2017
I still engage with the other few hundred when I have time haha. I just want to prioritize the people who I can have a real friendship with. I’m also probably going to grow and shrink my steemify list depending on how busy I am, it’s likely to change too with users habits" if a good friend starts posting lots of things I’m not interested in I may resort to just checking in on them once a week.
I’m sorry I’ve been posting so much recently, don’t want to clutter anyone’s feed. I just feel ultra excited about this whole space recently. Especially with all the comments I got the past two days
You actively engage with a few hundred!? Wow! That's no small feat! How do you manage your time?
Some more actively then others!
How do I manage my time? I don’t! Hahaha
Hahaha! Somehow I expected that reply haha!