Let's Start a New Trend on Steemit - Random Acts of Kindness (RAK)

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

If you're anything like me, I'm tired of the negative trending on Steemit.  There's users poking and prodding at each other, drama that makes it to the front page, and people taking advantage of featuring someone else's work to make a profit on it.  This isn't what Steemit is supposed to be about.  Steemit isn't the news, and it certainly wasn't created with the intention of being a political drama station between users as if they're running for presidency.

I don't know about you, but I'd like to see some more postive and constructive things happening here on Steemit.  I've been fortunate enough to experience a vast majority of the responses to my work being genuine, constructive, and kind, but not everyone feels this way.

So henceforth, I shall be creating the Random Acts of Kindness (program?) on Steemit!

What is a Random Act of Kindness (RAK)?

Inspired by RAKs that take place in real life, and modified to work more efficiently on Steemit, a RAK from here on out will be something you can send to another user to show appreciation, received inspiration, or even just randomly with no reason at all.  They're meant to encourage other people to show kindness towards others, as well as just make people happy!  You might not know the person, maybe they're having a bad day, or maybe you just want to reward their efforts on Steemit, a RAK can do it for you!

A RAK here on Steemit would be specified by picking a user you want to receive your RAK and then transferring Steem Dollars to them at a minimum of $1.00 in SBD.

The reason for this requirement is to prevent spam; I don't think anyone wants to look at tens of transactions of 0.001 SBD in their log.  It's not only annoying, but insulting.  If you genuinely think someone's work here is worth less than your $1, then don't send anything.

How does it work?

I'm going to use my good friend @heretickitten as a guinea pig to show you how it's done.  First, go to your profile page and click on Wallet.  Everyone here is familiar with how to do that.  Once you've done that, click on the dollar amount of your Steem Dollars like so:

Then select Transfer, and another box will come up.  Fill this one out too, the boxes in red:

This is the Most Important part of a RAK!

In the Public Memo box, include "RAK" somewhere in your message, preferrably at the beginning!  You don't absolutely have to write something nice about the person, but it makes the RAK 10x better.  Sometimes people don't want money, sometimes they just want a genuine compliment that makes them feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Once you've filled in your credentials and verified the sending of the transaction, you should see something like this in your transacation history:

This means your RAK is complete!  Congratulations, you just made someone's day a little bit better!  It's as easy as that to make someone's day, so let's get in the habit.  We're all here to share after all, right?

Important things to remember

  • RAKs can be for anyone!  Someone you know or don't know, someone who commented on your post, someone whose content you enjoy, or someone completely random for no reason whatsoever!
  • Always include RAK in the Public Memo of the transaction!
  • RAKs must be at least $1.00 SBD!
  • Inlcuding a little compliment (or a big one) in the Public Memo will make your RAK have a much bigger impact on the receiver!
  • Please don't tag posts your write as RAK unless it's specifically about RAKs.  RAKs are not meant to be a way for you to promote!

Thanks for reading, and happy RAK-spreading!  For more interesting content, please be sure to Follow me @voltarius!  I will also be tossing around RAKs from now on until the end of time, even if nobody else does!


Best to do it in multiple transfers of a single dollar, just to get their goat. :P

Omfg what a perfect response hahaha.

Nooooo, don't spam. :( Renee you're always such a troublemaker. xD

I'm about to buy some fresh SBD with some BTC I got to do some more RAKs! Keep an eye out, you might be one of them! :D

Fresh round of RAKs - COMPLETE! This was fun!

Users that received RAKs from this round (names were too small in the screenshot): @virtualgrowth @thecryptofiend @heyrhett @berniesanders @sykochica @reneenouveau @gardenofeden @oumar @scaredycatguide

Grats fellas, I hope you enjoy the compliments!

Wooo, it's here! Time for some RAKs!

Brilliant idea I love hearing about the general kindness that can still exist in our world today - this helps restore some faith in humanity - Thanks @voltarius for taking the initiative to get things started.

Thanks for the kind words, I'm glad you like the idea! I agree, the world could use some more kindness. Thanks for your feedback too! :)

Great idea, I'm already making a mental list of who I can RAK.

That's awesome! Remember you can pick random people too! Thanks for joining and spreading the love and kindness!

Woo! Just got my first RAK! Thanks!

@sethlinson you're awesome!

Very interested to see if this gains any steam (no pun intended). Like the sayings goes, you only get what you give. Sharing is caring. :-)

Exactly, I'm glad you share the same sentiment! As I said in the post, even if nobody joins me in doing this, I will continue to do it solo! I like the idea, and I like trying to make peoples' day's just a little better. :)

@voltarius thanks for the RAK SD, it literally is more than 98% of my posts earn. Despite people constantly telling me I post good content. Conundrum indeed!

Now I need to decide you I'm sending a RAK too. I have a few people in mind....decision, decisions.

Thanks I'm glad you're spreading the love too! Now we just have to make everyone else do it. ;)

The RAK initiative has just grown. Sent RAK to two different contributors I appreciate.

Thanks for sending out some RAKs, I'm sure it meant a lot to the receivers!

I love this idea, have thought about doing something like this a few times but couldn't work out a way to get it work. perhaps a RAK room in chat would be in order perhaps once a week we could choose one or two people to be rak'd on mass.

Wow that's a GREAT idea, I love it! If this catches on we'll definitely have to do it, and then we could RAK-swarm random users and really make a difference! :)

This is an awesome idea! I'm sure a lot of people would appreciate this an be encouraged. I wish I had more to give to a lot of people, but I really have none. I wish you the best of luck in getting this initiative off the ground. I'm pretty sure that this would take off in no time! Keep on rocking :D

Thanks a bunch for the support! $1 isn't too bad for most people, even the minnows. It's the compliment attached to the RAK that counts!

Great idea and wonderful post as always :))

Thanks for the feedback and support! I do hope it catches on! :)

Great idea!
Excited to start RAKing very soon :)

Thanks I'm glad you like it! I'd give out more right now if I didn't have car fixes to pay for, but I'm sure in the future I'll be able to toss out some nice ones!

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