How to stay positive as a New User aka Minnow on Steemit?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago

I’m no guru who will use his magic wand and make everything seems positive.

So, before you invest your time on this post I will clarify that even I’m trying my best to stay positive ;)

I'm sure after couple of days joining steemit you would have realized it's not gonna be easy as it looks to be from outside.

I know it’s easy to get demotivated and lose faith if things are not going your way.

But as a fellow minnow I can only request you to spend more time understanding steemit platform.

A positive Attitude will have a Positive outcome

Some of my thoughts on how to stay positive and have faith in steemit platform:

For me Facebook is now a Farcebook since the quality of content is nothing but a farce.

I think this is one of the most important question every steemit user should ask oneself what did they get for the amount of time and energy they invested wasted using Farcebook.

How did it change your life?

I’m not saying it was entirely a waste of time but just imagine the same amount of time if you would have invested on steemit it would have made hell lot of difference to your life, not only monetary benefits but the insights you would have gained on various fields.

I know it’s a cliché but this is our basic instinct to be social.

Nobody likes to be alone (I have nothing against loners).

In fact, we all like getting attention from others.

We need someone to talk to or discuss all the idiotic and senseless talks (I think that’s only me), but to talk about our field of study, life, family, interests and blah blah!!

Steemit has provided us a great platform to pour our heart out and get rewarded for sharing our thoughts and the best part to get rewarded for commenting on other people’s thoughts.

Sharing thoughts = Rewards (I hope this equation makes sense, mathematicians you guys can kill me later :P)

I know it’s very tempting to take shortcuts to earn more rewards.

But trust me shortcuts are not going to generate rewards for you in the long run. So please say no to plagiarism

He who wants everything everytime will lose everything anytime - Vikrant Parsai

At the end of the day your followers follow you for the value addition you bring to the community, they are not getting paid anything to be your follower.

It is the content and participation of yours which makes your followers engaged and connected.

When you start posting as a minnow you won’t be able to get many upvotes, since you don’t have many followers to back your work.

If you go to the trending page you will see many common names every day who are killing it in terms of upvotes, rewards and comments.

Even they started as minnows but because of their persistence and hard work they are able to achieve that status where followers know whenever they open their post it’s not going to be a waste of time.

These are the people we minnows should idealize and try to learn how they achieved the status where they are today. It's a long list of people so not mentioning any names here.


See even Morpheus is confident about you having a good time on steemit platform.

It’s been almost 2 weeks since I joined steemit and I never expected that I will be able to connect with so many people in a short span of time.

I think this is where steemit stands out from other social networking sites.

Here, you get a chance to connect with people and understand their point of view, interests, hobbies etc. and at the same time we get rewarded for our contributions made to the steemit community.

Try to participate more in community projects and contests.

Make sure you are getting involved in meaningful conversations.

These are exciting times to be part of this social network blockchain platform.

There are initiatives like #minnowsupportproject to support minnows and share power with them to have a say in the system. Just remember we have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Hope you guys will think about what I discussed above in this post. Please share your thoughts and feedback.

Folks who are part of steemit since it's inception in case if you read this post please spare a minute and share your piece of advice with minnows below.

Lets's build a better and stronger steemit community


Upvoted this amazing post :) Do check out my blog to stay Trended with the Technology.

Good Info. thanks for posting - Upvoted & Following!

Thanks :)

I liked this post. Very well written. That is the problem when you get man and money together i guess. Everyone who was commenting pages on memes are also now thinking what will they get commenting on your article. It is funny how the point of mutual benefit is misinterpreted to a point where no one is ready to do anything unless you return a favor to them..

Thanks...I certainly true that...To do anything expecting a favor in return is not the right way to move ahead in life.

Good article. Yes, just have fun with it like any other social platform. I didnt see anyone worrying they werent gonna make money on facebook.

Thanks....point taken...if intention is only to make money it's not gonna do any good to you.

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