IDEA: Showing / Using STEEM Values Instead of U$D for Rewards and PayoutssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

What if a new user's (up)vote on a comment/post is (potentially) worth 0.001 STEEM?

Imagine if your vote was worth something other than $0.00 now or when you started out on steemit. Instead of seeing $0.00 and thinking that you are giving nothing. That instead that upvote from a new user was worth something. Understand that many of us can't have a vote worth $0.01. But what about having votes worth 0.001 STEEM?

That $0.01 in STEEM would be 0.1285 STEEM today. So instead of needing the STEEM POWER needed for a vote to be worth a penny. How about needing much less STEEM POWER to be able to share STEEM? Isn't that one of the basic main ideas of steem and steemit? That $0.01 could be divided up into like 100 more units of about 0.001 STEEM each. This would be a way for people to see themselves giving value to other users.

Imagine if you could vote on someone's post and actually see your vote adding 0.001 STEEM or more to their post and possibly comment too. If you are a small minnow or a new user wouldn't you like to be able to give someone a little STEEM when you vote on their content?

Also think people seeing that 0.001 STEEM instead of $0.00 would cause more thought to voting for newer and smaller users in some way. Then you could actually experience adding value to people's content through this simple visual experience.

As new users STEEM POWER grows that could see their vote worth more. Going up from 0.001 STEEM and not just sitting at $0.00 for month on end. Think new users seeing some type of growing value would provide valuable feedback and recognition. So wanted to share this for food for thought that I have been thinking about for quite a while now.

Added: Think it helps getting people thinking in terms of STEEM too. And seeing and earning STEEM instead of USD may lead to thinking about collecting and saving STEEM as opposed to seeing 'USD' and thinking about cashing out STEEM for 'USD" or other (fiat) currencies.

Sort: (built on same tech) you can choose currency on your profile and it adjusts that display based upon your profile choices. I see no reason STEEM couldn't be a choice.

Yes. I like that feature on Golos.

Great feature

I like your idea, it would be nice to able to see how much your posts earn in various currencies and altcoins.

You can also go to and type in your username.

Yes steemstats and steemdb provide useful stats to be seen in STEEM / STEEM Dollars.

Great Idea !!!
Today I got 1 !!! cent on my own comment and was out of my mind. Since June I am collecting my pennies and finally I rewarded myself. Wow! That's such a nice idea 0001, I am so damn tired of looking at 0000 ....on and on and on.
You see that's the problem with the experiment. It might really help on a long run but psychologically those computer geeks destroy the flow and mood of the people who are here to contribute, who are so important because writing content.
Where is the human feeling and approach?!
It just doesn't work like that .
People need to be appreciated, liked.
ok ok ! The money is another added energy but without the warm fuzzy happy feelings receiving a tiny gift, nothing will ever succeed.
I hope this makes sense.

Yes. Plus my thought it STEEM Reward token, not money. THank you for your response and congrats on your penny-complishment!

Great idea to gift steem token

Your reward for being in Promoted is an upvote and 0.045 SBD extra promotion.
Good job, keep your contents promoted! :)

Actually I think we should display both, thereby showing that steem is worth $usd and $usd is worth steem.

Great idea - we should all be thinking in terms of SP, rather than anything else - the conversion to USD is, however, a good benchmark - hence, both?? There is plenty of room.

Yes both. Thinking STEEM as the default. On there is an option to see in different currencies mentioned by dwinblood and I think many would like that.

I like this idea.

Doing bookkeeping in STEEM makes perfect sense. Whoever wants to convert it into USD or any other currency can always do the math.

Think it helps getting people thinking in terms of STEEM too. Should add that thought.

Yeah, sure, that too.

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