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RE: Steemit's Got Issues! - Self and Circular Voting - Take 1

in #steemit7 years ago

thank you for your reflections on what is going on this platform.
my self upvotes are tiny in compare to what some dinosaurs get here and i absolutely agree that self-upvote function should be canceled by design and not by our self improvement.
if not by design, so everyone should start from himself - botes and self-botes and other tricky stuff also should be banned.


If left the way it is, without a ruling I actually believe that self voting is perfectly acceptable and normal and that those that flag people for doing it are just being bullies.

However, if it is really to be considered wrong/unfair then that needs to come from the top The creators of the site itself would need to make that a rule.

As of right now, it is not a rule and in fact is subtly encouraged. Do to that, tons of people do it. When someone else sees this and crushes their potential rewards they are simply reacting out of negative emotion without consideration for why a person may want or even need to do it.

My basic point is that it cannot hang in the balance like it does now. It needs to be decided and acted on no matter which side it falls on. This way it is very clear to all users how it will be treated.

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