Here I Sit Getting All Steemed Up!

in #steemit7 years ago

WHY You Ask? Because, I Have NO Wind For MY Sails.


I have another 39 hours before I am able to contribute an upvote to any of the well deserving posts, comments and replies. When we reach the limit of upvotes (according to our Steem Power apparently) our votes simply do not count anymore. Then we must wait to build back up to 100% power.

Anyone shedding light on this subject please jump in below!

I did find out while "sittin' here steemin", when at 100%, we have more to offer the community. Apparently when a Steemian runs out of voting power the system will begin refilling (I think it said) in 36 minute intervals. That is of course if you haven't already used up the best part of your 100% like I have done.

Well OK, I can plan a strategy for that - Problem Solved

BUT, I still have this 39 hour wait for a full recharge.

You may be wondering . . . "How does she know how long the wait will be?"

Well, what I learned from my last WAIT period (you see, I've done this "waiting" thing over and over for the last month) was a site called and if you haven't visited it yet, I recommend you do so.

I also use the "waiting time" as an adventure. It has given me the time to swim around through the Steemit Pond meeting other Steemians, reading their blogs, comments and replies. I've read the White Paper and try to follow the many tips I've been given along the way. One of those tips was a recommendation to join Discord (maybe it is @Discord, I don't know) but I do know they are very kind and helpful in there. I was invited to the PAL(Peace, Abundance, Liberty) chat room. Maybe I'll see you there!

On my swim around the pond this morning I met @bitdollar I'm not one who believes in "coincidence" and enjoy swimming with an open mind and open heart. WOW! Thank you @bitdollar for this post. In-Joy!

Will spend some of this gifted "Sitting and Waiting" time to pull together material for more posts and to meet a few new Steemians.

What I Have Learned . . .

It is NOT 'what can Steemit do for ME?', but instead: "What Can I Do For The Steemit Community?"

I am ALWAYS open for good tips and suggestions and yes, even constructive criticism so feel free to jump in with me below.

I'll be swimming around here for at least another 38 1/2 hours. LOL

In AllWays Let Peace BE The Journey!


You get 10 votes a day at 100% before you start tapping into that %age.
Once you do, it takes 24hrs to regain 20%.
You don't have to wait to get to 100% to be able to vote however.
Even when your voting power is down, you still get the 10 votes a day.
Good luck!

That is great news @jonny-clearwater thank you. I will need to keep better track of my upvotes. I am still in the mood to run to each of the wonderful replies on this post and upvote them all. Would that really benefit anyone at this point. I am at 70%

Showing good content love with an upvote is beneficial to the creator regardless of it's monetary value.

Btw...once you reach a certain amount of steempower, you'll earn a slider bar that lets you adjust what % you use for an upvote.
So for example, if you set it at 50%, you'll get 20 free votes a day instead of the 10 at 100%

I do like that idea @jonny-clearwater Sounds like a plan. Now to build up Steem Power to make those upcoming upvotes add up. I think sometimes a simple 2cent upvote may be at least encouragement for the new minnows to stay in the flow. I plan on growing to a "fingerling" at least in the next few months and that 2cents will grow too.

It sure will.
The more you power up the more your vote will grow.
Welcome to steemit

Someone needs to figure out how to sell voting power. I am "In the mood" to SteemIt, but I can't because I am out of wind...

Awesome for $x.xx you can refill your voting power.

See? My point exactly, I'd have upvoted this because of your cleverness but NOPE. If I can simply let myself pass on the upvotes and get to that all illusive "100%" I'd promise to do better :) $$$ most likely would help!

I gave myself a vote for you. :) As Jonny mentioned you don't have to wait for it to fully re-charge. :) I resteemed it. I am happy to hear someone who wants to be on the site, voting and reading and commenting and such. I wish I could give you some vote power.

Thank you so much @whatsup I see this platform as a valuable resource that isn't really explainable until it is experienced. The entire concept is built on the "giving" aspect and you are a perfect example of the Steemit concept.

We live in a very precarious time and never sure which way the wind will blow but one thing becomes more obvious everyday, it will surely blow. Now is the time to coordinate resources , build community and be prepared! Thanks again @whatsup

Just one more question: Would it benefit anyone if I were to paddle through this thread and upvote these wonderful people that came to rescue when needed?

I am a huge believer in supporting followers. I upvote all legit comments on my post. (Well that is my goal anyway) If we want to build a community we have to talk to each other and bond.

However, if your vote is under a penny, I recommend you use it to vote on your own stuff until you have a bigger vote.

Are you shocked? I believe in encouraging the minnows to grow their own accounts. I did. I voted on myself all the way until HF 19.

I don't know how to make the quote code but you said: "all the way until HF 19" What is HF 19?

@vickiebarker I want to Thank You for being kind to me and my comment over at the posting of @dragosroua . It is FUN to Vote and spread the Love. Thanks again @stokjockey You can check your voting power here. You're at about 70% now.

Well with 30% to go I calculate that as a, 24 hr plus 12 hour, sounds about right. I so want to jump in here and upvote each of the wonderful comments coming in but then... poof! Would it really help someone? Thank you for the link @dajohns1420

Got yourself a follow ;) Good content.

Thank you @thomasfarley I do enjoy the Steemit platform and want to see it grow exponentially!

You don't have to wait to vote. Your vote power will restore 20% every 24hrs. It's just not worth as much

Thank you @dajohns1420 I've just visited your blog, resteemed one of your posts (that I love by the way) and am following. We are all learning on this journey through the unknown, great to have like minded and like hearted people along for the ride.

I used to run my voting power down all the time before I finally earned enough SP to get the slider. I used to end up around 40-50% all the time. I still run my voting power down, but I can give out more votes before that happens now.

I certainly look forward to that day @amberyooper I now have less power than I did when I wrote this post, just can't help but give a little praise when praise is due. Do you know (remember) how much Steem Power is needed to get that darn slider? LOL

You need 500 steem power total to get the slider.

Here you’ve met me. Da kinda person I should be striking acquaintance with. Great piece I love it

Pleased to meet you @richforever and thank you for the complement. I am starting to see some replies coming in that make me think I CAN there hope after all? LOL It is all exciting for me, even the little challenges with the learning curve. I think this platform is JUST what I needed. Steem On!

steem on dear!

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