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RE: May freewrite while traveling to the east coast!

in #steemit5 years ago

Your rambling posts always feel so genuine and open, Lars :)

I'm glad for these kinds of reflections, it takes a kind of strength to recognize where we are at life with a kind of honesty and gratitude. Most people these days feel very entitled, to me, and of course all of us would like to be richer and more prosperous, but it is kind of refreshing to read a post where the person takes stock of their life and can own their destiny with their own hands soberly :)

I DO think you are doing what you are meant to be doing, and I am glad that you feel that way too. Your creativity and talents will take you even further still, I can feel it :D

And ouch about your old friend still working at the bowling alley that he had been working years and years ago > __ <

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