Why the 100,000 User Milestone is complete bollocks!

in #steemit8 years ago

Everyone keeps going on about Steemit.com reaching 100,000 users in such a short period of time. But the truth is Steemit.com is nowhere near 100,000 Unique Users. In fact it isn't even close to 50,000 Unique users. What the masses fail to realize is that:

  1. Almost every single Early Adopter (first 5,000 users) have multiple steemit accounts.
    a. They have their main Posting account
    b. They have several Mining accounts (usually 3-4)
    c. Many have Witness accounts
    d. Some even have alternate posting accounts
  2. Almost all of the Dolphins and Whales have multiple accounts
    a. For the same reasons as above
    b. For posting their own content and for posting other content (think @Curie, @cheetah, etc.)

The truth of the matter is that a large portion of Steemit Users have 5 or more accounts on Steemit. I myself have 7 accounts and I know users like @berniesanders, @pfunk, @thecryptofiend, @acidyo, @smooth, @knozaki2015 and many many many others have numerous accounts as well.

Now there is no way to know for sure how many actual Unique Users Steemit.com has but I would put it around 30,000 max. Of those 30,000 Unique Users I would say that less than 5,000 are Active Unique Users - meaning they regularly contribute on just one account.

So while steemit is continuously growing you shouldn't believe the hype as it is bollocks.....bullshit....a load of crap!


While a few of the things you said here aren't really things I resonate with you do actually have a valid point that the numbers currently reflected don't really take into consideration what we as "early adopters" have seen first hand in our time on the platform.

Hell, I've got a buddy who managed to grab something like 70 accounts or more...
That's one guy with over 70 accounts.. Imagine how many more situations may exist like this.

We are in fact seeing a large influx of new users! But I'd also have to call bollocks on the network currently having 100,000 unique users. If I had to speculate we've probably crossed over the +55K actual user mark.

this applies to pretty much all the social media sites, individuals having multiple accounts. Facebook is rife with it. It's a fact of life that isn't changing so 100,00 signups is 100,000 signups.. doesn't really matter if they are unique.

Agree and disagree. There is a stronger monetary incentive here, so signups are more skewed than other sites. All are skewed though, and this is well-known. I agree on that part.

Yes it is a common problem on the internet and once you reach a certain size it no longer matters. But right now, with steemit in it's infancy it absolutely matters. Honesty and Full Disclosure or a lack thereof will make or break Steemit Inc. Investors (those who might Power Up) are going to see the lies and false numbers and avoid steemit like the plaque.

Steemit Inc. needs to be honest and open about it's membership totals and the users need to quit artificially hyping those numbers to make themselves and others feel better about Steemit.

well, going to agree to disagree with you. Anyone who is savvy enough to invest is smart enough to know that duplicate/multiple accounts are the norm not the exception. The total subscribers is and always will be skewed. Anyone who actually thinks they purport to be unique users has their head up their proverbial butt.

Actually there are just about 8000 accounts which made just any single action ever and have more then 7 SP, check this out

You might want to take a new snapshot using 12 SP and here is why!

  • Currently new users receive 8 SP
  • When I signed up I was given 10 SP
  • Even accounts only used once or twice can earn Curation/Author rewards to raise their SP.

What if by doing that we'll only find 2000 accounts? All investors would run away )

That is probably close to the number of actual users who are active on a regular basis. Less than 1000 accounts post or comment daily. The number of actual humans behind those accounts is smaller.

Also, if one has significant experience with online social communities, one can get a pretty good idea of the size of the active user base by observation (e.g. how often you see the same people commenting). It is small.

Most smart investors understand this already.

Maybe it's not so bad considering just a few dozens a few months ago.
But the problem is, suppose tomorrow Barak Obama decises to join Steemit. A few hundred thousand will follow. How many of them would remain after one month? Not many, I guess...

Maybe, but Honesty is far more important to Investors than artificially inflated numbers.

While there maybe 100,000 Registered Accounts there is no where near that many actual Unique Users which is what investors need to know. Yes steemit is growing, fast, but not to the extent being portrayed.

New users are currently receiving 10 SP. The minimum new account balance is set by median consensus of witnesses and has been adjusted several times as the STEEM/SP price has varied. At one time it was as low as 3 SP and possibly briefly 1 SP. One witness automatically adjusts it in real time to $10 but most have a fixed 10 SP currently.

They have several Mining accounts (usually 3-4)

Much more than that for most of the early miners

Upvoted for (rough) accuracy and insight.

@venuspcs, well shit....i only have one. How do yo manage all of them?

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