Time Travel: Fact or Fiction?

in #steemit6 years ago

This is the 2nd post in my new series "Secrets hidden from the masses!". Please read the first post "[SURPRISE] The Earth is Round! [With Proof]" before continuing!

Time Travel: Fact or Fiction?

Could it be possible now?

The theoretical underpinnings of time travel date back to 1905, when Albert Einstein wrote down his special theory of relativity that showed space and time are intimately linked, and to 1916, when Einstein’s general theory of relativity showed that space and time are malleable — that is, they respond to the presence of matter or energy by warping, bending, expanding, and contracting. By extension, this means if one can imagine space being filled with some exotic form of energy, then space and time could warp in a way so that time, as well as space, could bend back upon themselves like circles, allowing one to move forward in a straight line and still return to one’s starting point in both space and time. [Source]

From a purely scientific and mathematical perspective almost all Well-Educated Scholars would say "Time Travel is Theoretically Possible" and most would then add "but we will never be able to do it!". All though that hasn't stopped numerous people from developing theories on HOW TO TIME TRAVEL. Like A.) Creating a wormhole from one point in time to another, B.) Folding time on itself so that two points in time intersect, C.) Creating a machine that can travel faster than light and theoretically travel so fast it can speed back and forth through time.

There are countless videos on Youtube that purport to be interviews with Time Travelers from humanities future. Like this one titled: Time Traveler from 2075 Reveals WWIII Details by ApexTV.

There are also numerous theories that the United States government has been experimenting with Time Travel for many many years. Starting with the recently desclassified "Philadelphia Experiment" where the US Navy was purportedly attempting to develop Cloaking Technology aboard the USS Eldridge. The ship was filmed and the video now online showing it disappear. When it reappeared half the crew was either dead or dying as many of them had become fused with the metal walls, floors and other parts of the ship.

I believe that the USS Eldridge actual travelled into the Future and there is Proof I am right. In 2017 it mysteriously appeared in a school yard in California and pictures of it were taken by an older man out walking with his dog. You can check out the video about its appearance here:

As soon as WWII was over the US Government (having time to remove all evidence from the ship sold it to the Greek Navy and it was used for many years by them before being decommissioned.

In the 1960's the US Government is purported to have developed a top secret program to again explore Time Travel and recruited young people to travel into the future using several different types of machines. This was called "Project Pegasus" and the technology they used was called a "Chronovisor". Andrew Basiago was supposedly one of those time travelers and has come out to talk about it in numerous Appearances and Interviews. He has passed multiple lie detector tests and gives way more detailed information than you could imagine he could "Conjure up".

According to my research the technology was developed in part by the likes of Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein, Werner von Braun, Enrico Fermi and many others also worked on it at various stages of it's development.

So Yes time travel is possible!!

How does it work?

Well this is the big question. If you have ever watched Sci-Fi shows there are a plethora of different theories and guess what....THEY ARE ALL WRONG! Now there may be different ways to time travel but the method (that I know is being used) is one in which two points in time are brought together allowing you to pass instantly from one point in time to another point in time. According to my research the US Government Time Travel experiments ONLY SENT PEOPLE INTO THE FUTURE.....with strict orders TO OBSERVE ONLY and not interact with anyone! If you watch the last video above it will become clear that wasn't always how things went though.

I think they reason they ONLY WENT TO THE FUTURE was to prevent anything catastrophic from happening in the event someone intentionally or accidentally changed the past. However, I now know that ISN'T POSSIBLE! No I don't mean it isn't possible to travel into the past, I mean it is IMPOSSIBLE TO CATASTROPHICALLY CHANGE THE PAST.....well sort of!

One of the most common ways I have heard the theory described is "What if you traveled back in time and killed your grandmother before your mother was born, then you would never be born and you would never travel back in time and kill your grandmother.".

The truth is you absolutely could travel back in time and kill your own grandmother, but doing so would create a Time-Loop.....think "Ground Hog Day".....you would just keep reliving the same circle of time over and over again. You would create the time machine, go back and kill your grandmother then jump to the point you created the time machine and go back and kill your grandmother and so on and so on.

However, if you traveled back in time and say killed Adolf Hitler and you had no connection to him or his genocidal regime then no time loop would be created.....however a fork in time would be created. By that I mean there would two different time lines when you returned to the future. Here is where things get interesting though. If you did this, you would return to the time line you left from NOT THE TIME LINE WHERE HITLER WAS KILLED by you. Thus preventing you from changing "your past" or "your future" by altering your past.

This is because on a Quantum level you would be ANCHORED to the time you left from and would always return to that time in that time line.....no matter when you travel to or what you do while there.


Make sure to watch for the next article in the series "Secrets hidden from the masses!" which will be titled: "The Mandela Affect: Caused by Time Travel!".


Make sure you follow me on Youtube @ VenusPCS!



For me, I don't believe in time travel and there's no way a person can time travel in spite of the advancement of the technology we have now. It is just a theory but not proven anything.

Have you actually read my post, watched the videos I linked or done any research into it whatsoever? If you had you wouldn't be able to say that......unless you are a Time Traveler or work for someone who has a Time Machine!

Before Einstein died, he had the famous equation of relativity which is E=MC2. And he concluded that when someone can travel faster than light (which has a speed of 186k miles/sec) then you will go through the other dimension which is the future. But this is just a theory and still not proven. Many claimed that they traveled in the future but there's not enough evidence of it.

I'm a believer and I prefer to believe in the most advanced ancient book of all time. :)

Many claims that they traveled in the future but there's not enough proof of it.

Read your own words very carefully. You just said "THERE IS PROOF OF TIME TRAVEL JUST NOT A LOT OF IT!"

I haven't said that:


You cant find that phrase in my message.

anyway, its our freedom where to believe in and I did not intend to convince you in my belief. Its just a friendly conversation with my fellow steemian :)

I find it all hard to grasp. Some of the stories and interview look so fake it's untrue. But then things like the Philadelphia experiment change my mind. Still I can't be certain either way. Maybe that what Cern is about? Then you have the Mandela effect an my mind is blown 💯🐒

Hence the reason for my next post "The Mandela Affect: Caused by Time Travel!". I believe that the Mandela Affect is actually caused by Time Travelers changing the past and creating splinter time lines.....which also means I believe that eventually splintered time lines MERGE back together causing Mandela Effects.

It is odd that you mentioned Cern as I believe the entire purpose of Cern is to MERGE THE TIMELINES BACK TOGETHER. Meaning they are responsible for FIXING ALTERATIONS TO TIME.

Seems logical but dam it hurts the head. Looking forward to it 💯🐒

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