@dantheman & @ned: I will pay you $1 Billion USD for all Steem Related Assets

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Now that I have your attention ---

Steemit.com is amazing, but it can be better!

I have done several of these types of posts, "Suggestions, Ideas & Bugs" I mean. Yes this is yet another one because, well, there are still things that need to be fixed, improved or added.

  • Suggestion: Integrate a Chat Client directly into Steemit.com - This would have similar functionality to the old Slack Chat and the current Steemit.Chat but would tie directly into the site. Clicking on a posts Tags would automatically take you to the Chat Channel for that tag (or create one if it didn't exist yet). Mouse-Over a users name and it would add an option to Chat with them that when clicked would open a Direct Message chat to the user, with each user being able to decide if they want to be direct messaged, alerted when they are direct messaged and have the ability to mute people they do not want to talk to.

  • Idea: Provide developers to assist with 3rd party applications and sites that connect to or extend the Steem Blockchain. Sites such as:
         a. Steem.Gifts - Steemit Exclusive Online Gift Exchange | I have been trying for over a month to get help building this site and even offered partnerships and some pay and still no takers.
         b. Steem.Auction - Steemit Exclusive Auction site where people can auction off any number of things and buyers can pay with Steem/Steem Dollars, BTC or Fiat currency.
         c. Steem.Dating - Steemit Exclusive dating site where Steemians can find love, make new friends or arrange more casual encounters.
         d. Steem.Exchange - Steemits very own Crypto Exchange but instead of using BTC (like every other exchange) this one is Steem Powered and allows you to buy/sell/convert any crypto or fiat currency into or out of Steem/Steem Dollars.
         e. Steem.Gives - Steemit Exclusive Fundraising site for Steemians, powered by Steem/Steem Dollars. Can be used to raise money for Charity, Disaster Relief, etc.
         f. Steem.Help - Steemit's very own version of GoFundMe for those who are down on their luck and just need some help from their fellow Steemians.
         g. Steem.Market - Sister site to Steem.Gifts - An Etsy style Marketplace for Steemians to showcase and sell their Artwork, Drawings, Music, Hand Crafted Items, etc. with a focus on then using the items sold as Gifts (hopefully as part of a Steem.Gifts gift exchange.
         h. Steem.Rent - Are you looking for a place to live, one owned or shared by fellow Steemians? Then this should be where you look.
         i. SteemGuide.Wiki - A centralized location for every Tutorial/How-To/Guide that has anything to do with Steemit.com or the Steem Crypto Currencies. - This site is already live but hasn't had much attention yet.
         j. Steemit.Video - Steemians very own YouTube style hosting service for all your Steem Videos.
         k. SteemTranslate.com - Wanna know where to find translated versions of popular posts, offer your services as a translator or showcase items you have translated for the Steemit Community. We this should be the place.

  • Suggestion: Complete Redesign on the Editor (submit.html)and ditch Markup all together in favor of a more robust set of HTML. Upgrade the WYSIWYG Editor to allow Non-HTML fluent people to design Eye-Popping Posts with just a few button pushes while still maintaining a "Raw HTML" mode for those of us who prefer that method.

  • Suggestion: Enable a "Share" feature on posts (and maybe even comments) so that Authors and Curators can easily Share content on: Reddit, Voat, Facebook, Twitter, etc. with link-backs to the original content here on Steemit.com - This would allow Authors to be able to more easily promote their content, allow Curators to share their favorite content with others and attract more and more people to the Steemit Platform.

  • Suggestion: Rework Voting/Curation/Power Down to be more fair (or at least provide the illusion of being fairer). Ideas for that include:
         a. Tie the Voting reward given directly to the voter (curators) Steem Power so that they are actually sharing part of their Steem Power with everyone they vote on. This should be done in a staged manner to prevent Whales from being able to push content directly to the front page. I did an earlier comment on one of @dantheman's post discussing this.
         b. Reduce the Power Down from 104 weekly payments to 52 weekly payments.
         c. Allow users to determine whether the Power Down is via conversion to Steem, Steem Power or automatic transfer to Steem.Exchange Wallet (once the site is operational).
         d. Increase the default Initial Steem Power from the current 3 to 1,000 (only if option a. is implemented) so that new users can immediately have the power to vote and benefit those they are voting on, but leave the 2 year Power Down for new users so that they do not CASH OUT and drastically reduce the value of SP.

  • Suggestion: Place a Button above "Tags and Topics" on index pages that links directly to the Internal Market - This button would eventually be replaced with one linking to Steem.Exchange once the site is live.

  • Suggestion: Add options to users Feed Pages for:
         a. RSS Feed that the user can link to their favorite RSS Reader.
         b. Browser Notifications so the user can be alerted whenever someone they are following makes a new post. Yes I know Steemstats does this but it should be built into Steemit.com
         c. Add an Comments to the Feed so that you can see the comments of the people you are following. A lot of people I follow never post (Author) but they leave lots of comments and I would like to be able to easily find those comments and "Like" them.

  • Suggestion: Replace the current FLAG function (user down vote system) with a REPORT this post function and hire some content moderators to field those reports who have specific guidelines on what they can or can not do when they receive a reported post or comment.

If you like these ideas, this post or any of my other posts please click FOLLOW ME and make sure to click the FOLLOW button on the top right. If you are already following me THANK YOU!
You might also want to browse my Blog and review my other recent posts.

PS - Sorry about the seriously click-bait title but I am currently persona-non-grata where I usually promote my posts so I had to take this drastic step to get noticed.

PSS - I got the 5,000 SP (almost 5100 SP now) but I am stuck at 62.9 Reputation.....posting my ass off and commenting too but can't seem to get that last .1%). Oh and I am only 8 followers (9 now - someone unfollowed me, how rude) away from that magical 200 followers mark.


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