Dont Post to Impress Whales Post to find people that share your mindset.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

A lot of people are disappointed that there posts aren't making a lot of money. But you have to understand Steemit is not about making money its about creating a platform you and your friends can share content online and stay in touch. If your main reason is to attract a whale than you probably in the wrong place anyways.

You main goal should be to attract people that share your interest and you can communicate with, not trying to catch a whale. When you start to understand this you will have much more fun on this platform. I never heard anyone complaining on Facebook or Instagram being disappointed about that someone i don't know didn't like my post. You should be concerned about your friends and your close environment being interested in you and not some stranger.

This platform is not about being upvoted by strangers this platform is about being upvoted by the community that builds around because they like your content. This kind of community will build over time and not from one moment to another. When you think oh i invest 3 hrs of my time in a post and I will make 1000$ than you don't understand what it means to build a community. Fortunatly each of your posts will make over 1000$ but this takes a lot of time and effort you need to build your own community that follows and likes you.

Sorry if i repeat my self but some people just don't get it!

Ps: I also never saw anyone walking around on the street looking for rich people to become friends with so why should you do this here? I want to be friends with people that like me and not choose my friends by the amount of money they have.


good point, upvote!

This is exactly it, people are just all about making a post that will make money. Its a social media site, it shouldn't just be about the money(even though yes it is a great thing to be rewarded with) .

Yes you are totally right this reminds me of the saying. Money doesn't change your character it shows who you truly are.

Holds true for Donald Trump, his character seems to shine through his election campaign.

I think that once the following button will work with notification people will understand the true power of building a following with good quality posts.
if you work hard enough on delivering quality and value you will be rewarded by the community.

Very True! , We should post to express ourselves!

@vapekings14, you are absolutely correct! In your statement, "I never heard anyone complaining on Facebook or Instagram being disappointed about that some i don't know didn't like my post." - you know why? Bcoz there's no money involved! Haizzzz......

yes and we shouldn't treat steemit any different. The money is just the bonus we receive for our work. But the real value is the community we build to support each other.

Glad i just make just right meme for this post

Enjoy :p

Totally agree!! Steemit is not like a social network IT IS a social network. And on social networking sites you don't post to get attention from big people you post things to share with your friends and people with similar thinking.

this is exactly what i think

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