Steem World: A Fantasy SteamPunk Novel based on Steemit and its users [Part 1/20]

in #steemit7 years ago


Chapter 1

A Mystical Train

This is a novel about a land far away, yet so close. Today we have a look at the journey of Young "Ivy" as she embarks on a journey towards the Steemitlands. A futuristic World built in a way which defies the workings of the known world.

She had received a ticket in her mail a couple of days ago, a strange ticket like no other. It had the letters "Invitation" on it and a strange Blue logo.

It seemed as it was a Train Ticket of some sort, as it had details written on it which led her to the local Train Station.

Ivy was a young girl at the age of 19, almost 20 and she had just finished school. It was summer brake so she thought that she'd won some sort of trip.

She was in for quite the surprise Trip indeed.

The ticket was with a date set for the day after so she packed a small backpack and decided to go the following day, just to see what she would find at the station.

Uncertainty was present at that time being.

The following day she went down to the local train station looking for platform 9 as it said on the ticket itself.
Sadly there were no signs that said platform 9, neither did anybody know about its location.

She asked at the Information desk but the lady there was new and didn't know either.

Ivy had 2 hours to find the Platform to be there in the right time period written on the ticket.

And then she met someone Strange

There was a strange man sitting by himself in a lotus position, it seemed as he was meditating.

Although Ivy didn't know that and decided to go ask him about platform 9 despite his dissociation from the world at that moment.

Excuse me, Sir!

Said Ivy to the odd man.

I'm looking for Platform 9, I have a train that will depart from there in two hours. Do you know where it is!?

The man looked at the young girl and told her with a loving and graceful tone.

Well isn't this amazing! A new passenger!

Ivy looked at him confused, yet the man spoke with confidence.

Of course, I know where the Train is! I built it Myself!

She didn't know how to respond to that remark but at least she was calm that someone knew about the train.

Ok.... Well, in that case, would you be kind enough to show me the way?

Alex is the name! @eco-alex. Nice to meet you and Welcome! Welcome to the Eco-Train!

The girl was quite confused.

Thank you... I guess....

Alex stood up filled with energy and started humming some strange songs.

You are here early so we can depart right away!

Ivy was quite confused after hearing that.

But aren't we waiting for more passengers?

Oh, no no that's quite alright, they are already on board! You will get to meet them soon enough.

With that said she decided to stop asking as there was no logical explanation in her mind. Ivy took a gasp of air and started following Alex towards the train.

Both of them walked for a while and at one point she stopped seeing the Station itself. They walked towards what seemed like an abandoned railroad that looked pretty beat up.

After a few turns here and there Alex finally led Ivy to the so longly anticipated train.

Oh.... My.... God..... What is this?!?

Sadly she was not really happy to see what was sitting in front of her eyes at that moment being.

This is the Eco Train! - Said Alex with a huge Happy Smile on his face.

Infront of both of them was a strange train constructed out of Dirt, old tires, wood, and weath. There were several other recycled materials which were hard to make out.

Oh... I get it.... I get it. This has to be some sort of a Prank right?
One of them Trick camera things and then I get broadcasted on TV.

Well this isn't working, I'm not amused and my day was wasted in searching for this pile of tires you call a train.

As she said that she saw several people moving about near the train.

Is that the Camera Crew there? Let me go tell them what I think.

Ivy dashed towards the people with a furious intent, yet was disappointed at the end.

There were around 30 people roaming about, loading stuff on the train, some were loading food, others were loading boxes, it seemed as everyone had his own specific role, yet they were all striving to achieve one specific goal.

Hello there! Lovely to see you join us!

Everyone started greeting her as if nothing had happened. Ivy was amazed. And somewhat speechless.

See I'm an Eco-Builder, I made this train myself and this is its crew.

Alex had popped up a few seconds after her.

At this point Ivy didn't know what to say and she decided to just wing it and act along. It seemed like everyone was super serious about their doing so she Greeted the people and turned back towards Alex.

Ok Mr. Eco-Builder! Lets roll, show me what this train can do, come on then, let's go!

She was confused at this point but decided to see what will happen.

We depart as soon as everyone is done boarding. Is that all the Luggage you have pretty lady?

Alex looked at her tiny backpack.

You will have a hard time with that.

Ivy didn't respond and patiently waited to see what happens.

A few minutes after Everyone was aboard and the Fun was about to begin.

That is all for part 1 !

Side Note

@eco-alex is a Steemit member and Earth Ship Builder. You can check out his profile and have a look. Although this is fictional, his doings don't go far from the story.

The Eco-Train is actually a steemit group I am a part of so you can check us out too <3

The Novel is actually written to help me power UP some SP and support the Ecotrain Passengers.

People to be Featured

@eco-alex gets off the list as this part was dedicated to him. In part two we look at @likedeeler and go on from there.

Nobody knows what will happen as I write on the go.

Suggest someone and see him in the Novel! [Leave a Comment]

I try to keep my content as Original as possible, also I never use up voting automation. If you get an up vote from me, then I love what you do !

If you like this, please share it <3 and help my initiative

50/50% due to higher SBD price. Everything from this Novel series goes to SP


It's nice how you're trying to combine the idea of a SteamPunk novel (which I like, conceptually) and the work of some important users on Steem. It's nice for noobs like me because we actually get to learn about aspects of the community while we read.

I'll follow the series, see where the story lands :D

An earthship train! Neat idea - somewhere in a box in the garage I have three old volumes of earthship books from the 1970s. At least, I think they're from the 1970s - now I need to go look! When I find them, I'll let you know the publication date because now I'm curious. Anyway, love the idea of a train made of dirt and tires. Feel free to join us for fiction workshopping in the Isle of Write!

Thanks for the Invite ! Il pop in when I get back home <3

nice work, especially the train, kind of stoked that I'm one of the passengers on their yet have not idea what’s going to happen, intrigued.

I love, love the earthship train. That's super freaking cute. Really excited to watch Ivy's adventure unfold.

This is great. somehow it passed me by when you posted it. Looking forward to reading where it goes.

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