Steem Powered eBook Project | Lets bring some quality people on bard !

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


Finally the time came where I have some free time to start working on my book project ! I'm happy to share my upcoming project. A month or two ago I had the idea to write a book and started the process but due to life changes I wasn't able to work on it. Recently these days I started to think about ways to bring people over to the platform but sadly not having any other following base made that a mission impossible for me, until the an idea came to me.

What is steemit about ?

Steemit is all about sharing articles and blog posts, so the best way I could contribute is to integrate a reference into my upcoming book ! Steemit needs quality people and what is more quality than the ones that love writing and reading books !?

Finally I managed to get copyrights for my book and an ISBN number which was the hardest part from my viewing point, at the end it ended up being quite easy actually !

A short Preview


NOTE: Table of content is still under construction and will probably have more chapters.

The book will be about The way we see life and how our inner mechanics are interconnected with the physical world. Or in other words, the way we see life is the way we manifest it into our being.

The book is going to be published in several formats, meaning that it will go on all the main markets like, google, apple books, amazon and such. This means all sort of people will have the opportunity to find steemit !

Pay what you want and read on Steemit !

The book payment model will be pay what you want ^^ Starting from 0$, so its basically free, but gives people the option to make a small donation ! It will also be "Sold" right here on steemit on the same price model ! This means that if you send me any amount of steem/sbd starting from 0.001$ I will send you a copy of the book :).

This model i such so I don't have it on a public download link.

I'm also going to post 2 pages per day once the book is finished and make it a daily thing here, for the ones that don't have any funds to get a copy, or don't have age above 18 to have a paypal or debit/credit card.

Where will the funds go ?

You might be asking how is this steemit related when its going on google play, amazon and such ? Well basically the funds will be added to my steemit account as steem power and a small amount will be held for further development and books. Also a beer or two : )

The funds will help the platform grow and support @ecotrain which has a lot of wonderful authors that are a part of it (including me)


Currently I'm still in the progress of writing it and I will post a progress update when I'm half way there. The book will be no more than 100/200 pages so I't wont take me much time to finish it. (Currently has about 20/25 pages written for the past two days). I'm hoping it will be done till the 13th of next month, but can't make promises, also could be before that seeing how good its going for now.

So that is basically all to it ^^

If you think this is a good initiative, please support it and upvote/resteem this article. All the funds will go towards helping me afford professional editing and proofreading for my future book releases :)

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Now you are talking and your thoughts are on of this world. It's a tough project but am sure it's something your fans will be anticipating. Thanks for informing us in advance.

I don't really have that great of a fan base really but i'm sure it will reach out to some people out there. Thanks for the support and much love <3

Great concept @vangelov, good for Steem & Steemit, you are going hard, respect :-)

Thanks Bub, its much appreciated.

This is quite a project. I wish you much success!

This is incredible!

I really view steemit as a place to share and accomplish dreams! Especially for writing goals, as steem is helping me develop the discipline to write more and more frequently. I will buy your book!

This sounds very similar to what I'm doing through my patreon, though I'm releasing the book (a collection of short stories) chapter by chapter. I'm still thinking of ways to integrate the book with my steemit account but as the platform is organized around the 7 day post life, and most of our feeds are far too saturated making most readers not entirely regular readers, I still feel a bit confused about how to share the book on steemit, as whatever I post will be buried by new posts. I have posted small excerpts and plan to post entire chapters, maybe even some bonus chapters on steemit when the time is right, Perhaps after I'm finished and re-edit I'll do the same thing and release it on more mainstream platforms (I might have some questions with the copyright process).

I'm also doing pay what you want and I think we are expressing very similar things, though I'm doing it through fiction. Feel free to check it out

Are you on discord? it'd be great to share ideas about the best way to release stuff and maybe collaborate in the future.

I'm really looking forward to your book as well.

Amazing to hear ! Yeah im on discord @vangelov, also the link to your patreon page isn't opening for some reason.
Amazon KDR is the way to go man, its free and you can even post without an isbn ^^

Ahhh sorry I got the wrong one, that was something else I've worked on, and not on patreon. Here it is. I'll find you on discord.

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