
there are facts and observations.
and then there are hypothesis constructed to explain them.
the facts are facts..
sometimes they hypothesis are incorrect.

That is exactly why I am seeking expertise. I'm a nail bender, not a populist, demogogue, or military professional. I KNOW I'm wrong about stuff, and I don't know what stuff (or I wouldn't be wrong anymore =p), so need to get schooled by them as know.

Even though we're all wrong here and there, I expect the meat of my contention, that we are under threat, technology is creating solutions that we can effect to secure our freedom, and that we need to act to make that happen, is largely correct.

Folks hereabouts know stuff better than I do, and I hope we can get our heads together and do what it takes.

I totally agree.
a few things to keep in mind.
95% of everything is shit.
Incompetence is more likely than malevolence
The Iron Law of Bureaucracy
and the monkeysphere.
those are facts...observable every day.
what conclusions you draw from those observations...well..
If you hear hoofbeats in the night...isit horses or zebra?

Occams Razor too.

Occam's Razor is pretty much my goto.

now consider

  • The average lifespan of a company listed in the S&P 500 index of leading US companies has decreased by more than 50 years in the last century, from 67 years in the 1920s to just 15 years today, according to Professor Richard Foster from Yale University.

The deepstate conspiracy (all long term conspiracies) get to be a little bit hard to believe.
The Iron Law of Bureaucracy explains it better.

Would that it were that simple. While I do 'connect the blatant dots', and make some assumptions, I also have seen undeniable examples of conspiracies of long duration, and massive complexity. I suspect that this is why the USG only declassifies such matters after 60 years, as by then the original outrage over the duplicity is largely absorbed by the survivors eating their own livers.

The more rapid pace of commerce is both a symptom and a conflating effect of technological advance. That it takes it's toll on such institutions isn't surprising, now that I'm aware of it.

I consider the duration of nations to be challenged by exactly the same factors, with the identical long term outcome: the emancipation of individuals from institutions through the exponential increase of power potential to individuals to produce goods and conduct their affairs, including political.

While we curmudgeons are wise to profit from our decades of heartbreaking experience, we must also pay heed to the young turks upcoming, or miss the boats rising on the tides, and drown in our safe harbors of irascibility and doubt.

I have lived to consider well, before committing irrevocably. 'Don't just do something, sit there.', has been my motto, as I am aware I am not a quick thinker, and tend to wrassle with something until I reckon it's pinned.

I reckon this is pinned, and the count is begun.

'Don't just do something, sit there.', has been my motto,
I love it!
That's better than "water is the ash of hydrogen combustion"

Such an excellent post! Sorry I didn't see it sooner. You are naming names and I shall investigate the merits of those you espouse.

It's true about all the lies that we have been fed since birth. Even our parents told us lies, though they were just repeating the lies told to them.

A competent thug could end the physical threat any of them present.

Ah, but they are the law. They can attack, even kill you but you cannot lay a hand on them or they will lock you in a cage. We are the intellectuals that all regimes try to eradicate. You and I have to speak out because that is our nature, but I feel that the most effective of us will work in the shadows, will, like termites, chew away at the foundations of fallacy they have erected, quietly but with purpose.

I devour the internet, yet only today learned of ISIS running convoys of 20k+ oil tanker trucks unopposed through supposedly hostile forces to transport black market oil.

Ah, but you did find out, didn't you. That's the chink in their armor. It's difficult, but the information is out there. That's also the beauty of Steemit. We have people everywhere in the world living in conflict zones who can get the word out. There might be shills who lie, but we know the MSM lies all the time so we have nothing to lose by listening to their stories.

I have a similar story about the Vietnam war. A very good friend who did two tours over there was engaged in a firefight with the Vietcong across a main road. Suddenly, their CO got radio instructions to cease fire. The Cong also stopped shooting. A few minutes later a convoy of oil tankers rolled through. After they were past, the firefight resumed.

Whether they are willing to profit more as equals than they do as overlords I cannot estimate.

Never in a million years. It's not about money but about power, about being overlords. That's where psychopaths have to be to feel secure. They truly are criminally insane, without conscience or remorse.

I'm not convinced that it's the overlords who are the real problem, though. While we look to place blame on those 6000, or the illuminati, I fear more the illiterati, the dumbed-down majority who are more interested Kim Kardashian's shoes than innocent women and children dying from drone attacks in Pakistan, let alone questioning the authority of the police or the electoral system or the financial system as long as they can munch on Kit-Kats and watch Game of Thrones on Netflix on their plush couch inside the heart of the empire. That's who we're really up against. If you ask them the difference between ignorance and apathy they'll tell you: I don't know and I don't care.

I had heard one woman talking about French Canadians tell me that if English was good enough for Jesus, it was good enough for her. I tried to have a discussion with another good friend of mine, a rather successful and wealthy spec home builder, about Arab Spring. "That happens every year, doesn't it?" was his reply. You know the people I'm talking about. You can't really have a meaningful conversation with them. And they are by far the majority out there. They'll go along to get along, but they have no interest beyond their own comfy cocoon. And those vampire oligarchs just love to lap up their blood.

Onward and upward. upvoted and resteemed. Better late than never, I guess.

relate and agree likeminded-companion, all but one this time :-) Read all the books of Game of Thrones (Dance of Ice and Fire) over the last many years and just as the Lord of Rings there are quite many links to the Edda... so I did stream the TV version (and yes, most of it is set up to brainwash the masses with the current agenda...) but there is one scene that just came to my mind in this very content. If you are interessted go to youtube "aemon targaryen kill the boy" :-)

Ha ha. Never watched Game of Thrones so I probably shouldn't have used it as an example. I quit TV in 1997. And I tried to read Lord of the Rings back in the 70s, I really did. It probably put me to sleep more than any other book. Beautiful writing, so slow. Got as far as when Frodo tossed the ring into Mount Doom. That was enough. I knew he would all along. Later found out that a lot happened after that. Not big on Harry Potter, either. Each to his (or her) own. That's what makes a wonderful (real) world.

so now, let me know what you read so I run a chance of not falling asleep on books any more ;-)

Oddly enough I don't read very many books. I read the Internet a lot, though. When I do read, it's usually informational. The only fiction I've consumed for the last few years have been #1 bestsellers. The ones I've liked are by Stephen King and Dean Koontz. Horror.

I loved science fiction as a kid, but find SF today kind of boring too. I think because when I was a kid I really wanted to see the future. Now that I'm here, it isn't so hot.

I've written a few SF short stories. Nobody's read them. I read the bestsellers because I wanted to write one. I've written two novels. The first one was sort of a joke and I'll probably serialize it on Steemit. The other one is way too long for a debut novel, (so the publishers told me, not that anyone has read it), 500+ pages. Not a lot of interest in it because it basically digs at everyone's accepted beliefs. No worries. Like everything else I write, I write it for myself.

well, I'm ready to read - go on and steem it :-) If you like horror, you should consider the Dance of Fire and Ice ;-) (the books, not the TV series) ... After you read all those bestsellers, how could you come up with a +500 digging at everyone's accepted beliefs - giving an ironical smile on this one :-) maybe I can read it... I like big books and I very much like books digging at everyone's accepted beliefs! Cheers to you - as always - from the seven mountains in Germany

"If you ask them the difference between ignorance and apathy they'll tell you: I don't know and I don't care."

Pretty sure they win the prize for that! =p

And they don't even know that they know.

have so much on my mind after reading your post and all the great comments underneath... I'll try to put it in a nutshell now: at a certain curtain I lifted, I realised the difference between my person and me, the free woman.... It is a grant chessboard and if you (decide to) enter into the game there are some rules. And yes, the common understanding of the rules in place is desinformation feed to us through schools, universities, msm and even "not-knowing-better friends and family. My feeling is, that as long as "they" can hook up our emotions and thus drive us, their power is fed. As soon as we get not hooked emotionally any longer, they will starve to death (may take a while, but it will happen). It is not about indifference - quite the opposite! Whenever we see what maliscious game is being played (and it is against the rule of nature for sure) you find me speaking out loud "I condemn those actions" .... I do believe this is a good time to exit the "kids world" and grow up. The growing up of a critical mass is the biggest threat... nutshell thoughts and a Cheers from the seven mountains in Germany

Massive numbers is only useful if they are coordinated. OSINT is the key to freedom, I believe.

Have not really read into OSINT yet, but will give it an eye tonight - thanks for the hint! (have to admit that I had to look up the meaning just a second ago ;-))

Thank you for the shout out! I'm going back for a second read of this now, but I have resteemed it.

Some of the following Steemers have dropped off the site, but the use of should allow folks to dig back into their archives

Steemit writers contributing to understanding Information War

@dragon40 - Civil War Diary
@phibetaiota - Information War, OSINT
@krnel - Critical Thinking/Cognitive Bias
@richq11 - Political Science
@dwinblood - Critical Thinking
@rebelskum -, Din's Fire
@cupidzero - Subversion of the educational system
@ozmaga - counter-propaganda
@odinthelibrarian - OSINT, infosec
@goldgoatsnguns - Russia, finace, geopolitics
@informationwar - curation account

You are not alone. I was very impressed with your post on the fog of war recently, and know you are committed to freedom. I was willing to tag you because I was certain you wouldn't find it unwelcome.

Also, as I expect is evident from my post, IMHO what you are doing is what is presently most necessary to effect our freedom.


Wow, what an amazing post! Just brilliant! Love the vocabulary.

But to your point, everything you said just resonated resoundingly with me. Hit the nail on the head when you point out Steemit is the perfect platform and includes all the players already.
I also talked about crowdsourcing the future in my intro post, but not nearly so eloquently or extensively. This is a rallying call. For those who have ears to hear..


This is what we were born to do, or to try and fail.

I'm all in.


We won't fail ; )

There are a few main arteries to this machine that could be severed to slowly bring them back in line.

Mainly, choking out their profits and means to earn. Crytpo helps that. Paying less taxes through personal expenditures and debt also.

Speaking out in the proper manner and place. What I see in the streets and in the tabloids of these kids stepping out is not it. There is no unified message to the people nor the administration and violence doesn't help no matter the message.

Nice work!

Excellent post.

What to do? I doubt any one of us have all of the answers. Thus as you suggest, a solid virtual hub for presentation, argumentation, and dissemination of these ideas is necessary.

On a personal level, believe in yourself and do your best to become independent. Stop taking the things in our lives for granted. That means technology, food, physical well being etc. Knowledge certainly is power, so understand these things and try to imagine your self completely independent trying to accomplish all of them.

If you're a male, then I highly recommend that you disengage from propaganda. Find out what it really means to be a man, not the pansy in commercials. Be fit, and take self defense classes. Be ready to take care of things in your life you care about.

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