
Just make sure to use the actual Google translate App and it works like Magic u just hold your phone camera over text of any language it auto translates it in real time if it can!

And just keep using it! It will be god enough!

Just make sure to download the newest torrents on piratebay of autotranslate software theres some crazy good ones out there!

Great info, ty

Great idea! Auto-translation programs are far from perfect, but you can generally at least get the jist of what the author was trying to say. Lots of traditional forums have the feature.

I think creating a translator will be an enormous task for Steem - unless I am proven wrong otherwise. It is not just about translating the word, understanding what is being translated is key. There are many facotrs to be considered when it comes to language. The same language will have region difference and subtleties so the different combination of word and meaning is infinite. Google translate is not perfect but it has evolved over the years to become what it is today.

I know you're right that language can be subtle. But even a bad translation would be a clue as to the content - I currently have no clue to.

That's why I mentioned google. I see the Steemit devs having plenty on their plate, and hope that there might be an easy way to just use Google Translate on Steemit.

I used to use steemit on firefox but has now moved to chrome. When I to view a foreign lanuguage page i just right click and translate. That to me is the quickest at the moment.

I firefox, and also have rclick option. I think that setting a global translate option, whether in firefox/chrome or Steemit, would prompt me to more often view posts in other languages, as the selecting and so forth, as trivial as it seems, is an impediment.

Clearly it's not a wall that precludes communications utterly. But it is a layer between peoples, and even little walls direct traffic.

excellent idea.
Golos is just sitting there.

It would work in tandem very well with the suggestion I made of copy-editing and proof-reading services on @steemgigs- which I suggest is DESPERATELY needed to maximally elevate the quality of many, many posts, even without translation.

That's NOT going to be amenable to automation any time soon.

Maybe Finnish is just too difficult language to autotranslate, but I hate automatic translations (in both ways). Technology is nowhere near of "good enough". Reader has to guess too much of what the writer has meant.

Any translation of content I have zero comprehension of is preferable to zero comprehension.

Other alphabets utterly preclude my ability to even guess at what is posted in them. Some languages are similar to English, and I can hazard feeble guesses. Since I know how feeble that comprehension is, I rarely bother.

I'd like to be able to guess better.

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