Steem School EP 10 - Branding on Steem & How That Increases Your Profits!

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

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Branding a Steem blog is very important to increase profits and so far I have only seen Jerry Banfield doing that.

Some of you might ask themselves what branding is and that is no problem, we are all here to learn more & to make more cash together.

Branding: Giving your content/product recognition value.

In terms of Steem, that means giving your blog specific elements + adding your logo and your name to it. How you write plays a role as well!

When people look through the Steem feed your blog will stand out because your name is unique, your thumbnail is unique and your titles are always savage.

The thing with branding is that people will be able to identify your post on the Steem with just a 1-second glance.

Besides that, branding also makes your Steem profile and your blog posts look professional.

Many factors here on Steem play a role to get an upvote and a well-formatted post that looks professional is the first thing a potential upvoter sees.

It is like a beautiful woman, you see that she is beautiful so you are interested in her character, you want to know more.

You don't need to be a company to brand your blog. You are a person and therefore you can brand your blog as well.

People will think when they scroll through the Steem feed "SuperSavage published another post" and either keep scrolling because they are not interested in his content or they immediately click on it because his content is SuperSavage and provides value.

You will be on peoples radar all the time if you apply branding and publish every day. The big fishes will start to realize you are here to stay.

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Step 1: Your Name & Your Logo/Face

Branding starts with using your name/nickname or company name.

I use my real name here on Steem "Philip Braselmann" and as my logo I simply use my face, however, I also the black & white filter because I like it.

I apply that black & white filter to constantly on my pictures, videos and on my profile picture.

People recognize that and I heard a couple of people saying that they like it and I also heard some people made jokes about it. That tells me that it works.

If you are a company you need to, of course, display your logo and your company name here on Steem.

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Step 2: Colors

Colors play a huge role as they give a lot of recognition value just like your logo or face!

I use the colors black, red and gold which are fucking awesome.

They are the colors of the German flag & what is more badass than colors that stand for death, blood & gold?

I really like those colors and I apply them to all my graphics.

I apply those colors to my profile picture, my thumbnail, my separator, my pictures, my footer, my videos and basically everything!

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Step 3: Unique Style

With a unique style, I don't mean the colors because everyone uses colors.

What I mean by unique style is your writing style.

Do you write like a fucking savage? Do you like rainbows and celebrate half naked on the street with other men and like to point that out on your blog? Do you have an obsession with smileys in every sentence?

These things are part of your identity aka your branding.

And it is important to never let that style die! I for example like to write like a savage which I tone down a bit for the audience here, however, I still write to like "fucking" here and then.

Who doesn't like fucking? Well, wrong topic.

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Step 4: Marketing Strategy

The strategy of your marketing is to make more cash, to get more followers & to increase your reputation without pissing too many people off (some people will always be triggered).

The tactic of your marketing strategy is to appear on the Steem feed every damn day. That means you have to publish every day at if possible the same time.

Your marketing tactic is simply to be there, to show everyone that you are here to stay and win.

Combined with all the steps above you will create a killer representation of yourself or your company.

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Step 5: Apply

Now that you know how to apply branding to your Steem blog you just need to apply it. You have just learned how to increase your profits here on Steemit big time!

If you apply what you learned here I will give you a 100% upvote.

Just comment on this post when you are done applying what you have learned here and I will head over to your blog and boost your newest post!


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Yes. Marketing and branding Is a massive subject, you have broken this down very clearly. I have been researching this topic pre steemit and since I found steemit. It always comes down to the same principles.
It really is a fine art and quite subtle in some ways , in other ways consistency and massive action will make all the difference. Standing out in a recognisable way , like you say,is very important . Colours, logos and logotype all attract the eye on a subconscious level. I completely agree with your unique style point. I have found that anyone in life who has the balls to do things their own way will always gain the respect of the masses. Also speaking and writing in a way that represents how you want to be perceived is a must. I have never used emoji's and only occasionally use text language. I have actually made it a point not to. I am a traditionalist at heart but have an open mind.

Strategy wise I think if you have a burning desire about something it will be apparent in your actions and words, which is infectious. This will beat any calculated scheme any day of the week. Some 'love the drama' but we know better.

There are many who have no interest in capital gains and seek other rewards. Whatever the prize or level of attainment a person aims to achieve is fairly irrelevant. The important thing is endeavouring to make it happen with action and persistence. Everyone should invest in their own personal brand and self improvement like you advocate.
p.s . Using the guides in steem school is taking most of my spare time at the moment. Great resource. Thanks

A badass comment!

Well said!! :)
One of the most important things in marketing is the timing. To know who, when and where the clients are. So do you know some tool to understand what is the best time to post on steemit? :)

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I caught your post late, and it looks , like you are branding it up! Like Trump branded his way to being POTUS.
But for you, you want to go beyond that...once you fully establish your brand...then you make the 5D
Chess move to upgrade even further...You decide to take on the name BRAND itself....
So as to incorporate your brand , and very one else's, because every time they talk about branding , or their brand, they will be talking about the
brand, ...BRAND.... the brand thats your brand and everyones brand, because you are the BRAND! So everyone benefits (that participate)adding more the name BRAND...

I was only making the point because,
all night, I thought about what EOS is about to launch , and BlockChain.

So the Brand idea, I just wrote about, is just a Metaphor of the genius of this brilliant masterful decentralized protocol.

Danke Vielmals!
for the inspiration.

Good comment Lynn.

Every since you've been here you've had your own swagg bro. I respect that.
It hasn't been until recently that I've tried creatinng thumbnails that have a certain look. I am still learning but I've come a long way in that department.

I saw that.

You are the only one that I saw that improved the thumbnail.

You also improved the post formatting which is nice to see, you are stepping your game up.

You are so right in so many ways. But at the same time, I am so tired of all the branding and being so consistent with it. I have so many different interests and as a true Gemini, I have 2 sides to me (maybe way more than that).
Part of me is 100% on board with the branding and the other part just hates the restrictiveness of that completely.
What if your brand is consistent randomness? Or have a separate fun account. But it takes a lot of work to maintain an engaged account and that might just be overwhelming.
What do you think about us split personalities? :)

That is up to you Marianne.

If you are random with your style you won't make people say "Oh it is Marianne" with just a little Glimpse.

And that is really important since most people follow over 10 people which ruins the overview of their Steem feed.

But it takes a lot of work to maintain an engaged account and that might just be overwhelming.

It does take a lot of work, I am not here on Steem to have fun (even tho it can be a lot of fun sometimes).

What do you think about us split personalities? :)

We all have different personalities, which is a good thing. What matters is what personality fits Steem most.

If one of your personalities is very unlikeable for example you won't make big bucks here on Steem.

I hope that all my personalities are okay :) And it is a good point that branding does get attention on your posts...Thank you for taking the time to give a detailed answer.

I agree, branding can help a lot because of the recognition it gives you. Especially on here where everyone uses the same format for their post (with the exception of you and a few others). Things are still really new here. I think we'll start to see more and more people that are tech savvy come on here and set the new trend.

Already 10 episodes! Time flies...

Yes, it does... I just found your posts. I'm gonna read all of them. Thank you so much @valorforfreedom for sharing this!

Whoops. I have readed your post with full attentionally. And what i able to understand is Steemit is that place where you can show your uniqueness and get paid well. Im new in Steemit and trying to understand which kind of things steemit users like best. And i have able to understand that if your post is unique and correct form other ppl will start to like you. Steemit is a great place to share happinese,sadness and all of our feelings in life. And this things you have explained so well. Thanks for guiding us to the right way.

Discovered your blog only this morning. Watched the whole episode while having the early joint.

Branding is important. It's like a seed that sprouts in the subconscious mind of the society. Thanks for doing this!

postingan yang bagus

Great, as usual. Will try to put this in to practice.

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