My Favorite Steem Content Creator & What You can Learn From Him!

in #steemit6 years ago (edited)

V9 Separator (No Logo).png

My Favorite Content Creator & What You Can Learn From Him

Today's video is about a person that has inspired and supported me since the beginning. We are now both on the same path and follow the same strategy to hold SBD till it increases in value to then cash out big time #TeamHodl.

(Click here to watch the video on DTube)

I will show you his profile and analyze his latest post & video and show you what you can learn from him to improve not only your content but also your average total payout!

(The video from today is different as I added music to it and reworked my thumbnail style.)

I would love to hear feedback from you ladies & gentlemen
(did the video load? Do you prefer text? What could I improve? Etc).

Here is the Youtube video for everyone that cannot load the DTube version:

V9 Separator (No Logo).png

SteemSchool Website: Website

SteemSchool Discord Community: Discord

V9 Separator (No Logo).png


V9 Separator (No Logo).png

▶️ DTube


I had problems watching the video really, I don't know why, maybe it's my browser, well I would like to suggest that you add YouTube version as well you know? Or you could do same post as well via DLIVE.

That's a good idea Jose, I will upload it to youtube and add the link here, Thank you.

Here it is:

So amazing, I'm loading and watching instantly, I hope other people gets to see this medium too, thank you so much

100% - great video. Definitely one of my favs as well. Solid man.

Thank you Vince, means a lot when you say that because your videos are the best that I have seen on DTube!

I am also saving up on my SBD and when the prices go up will convert it. Hope by end of the year we see some magic like last year when SBD price reached to 13$

Yes bro and as a new beginner I also to want to earn some SBD . So that I would have something to hold.

We are all going to make it Nainaz! 👍

I am very sure about it Philip 😊

I agree with you @valorforfreedom. @humanearl is also one of my favorites are well. I try not to miss his posts. He has helped me out a lot and I will never forget that.

Wow I've seen a few of his dtube videos too, believe me he's amazing just like you've said really, well my favourite would be @mrviquez

You spoiled it for everyone Jose 😂

wow I didn't mean to, I could edit my comment if it's infringing?

That would be nice : )

I did, thank you 😁😁

Nice post man. I must say one of my fav one.@valorforfreedom.
Spare some time to checkout my profile and show some support to grow.

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