Mental Constructs

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

We are living in times where the way of life is unknown and forgotten. The old school methods have become things of the past thanks to modern technology. The movies are not lying, the technology has already made war against man kind and is winning by legions of body counts. Take of example the disclaimers last post, I urge you to do your own due diligence and become literate and laced up on some of the many evils of this world. These post are merely to raise awareness, the things by which I post are not new events. Rather reports on a ancient beast system with actual events that occur to support these claims. The knowledge of these things could never be covered in any blog you see on the internet. These things involve an education process and is not for the faint of heart.

Technology is not behind just digital devices such as mobile devices, cell phone towers, wifi. But it is closer to each individual than themselves, and is too close for comfort. Everything to what you eat, drink, sleep, breath, see, hear, feel, and experience is a product of the matrix. A fabricated reality within a network of other fabricated realities. These things are consumer products of the big corporations the run everything. But no one is making you buy, what it is they put before you. This system was here first in the beginning before all human life and everything after the great flash of light had know this to be ancient. The beast is the darkness of the world before all origins and mass. It set everything up after the great flash of light. But there was already a order before the enlightenment. Thus the things which you read are true to without limit. And they are very old taboos.

We over the years, since our creation have looked out for our survival and well being because this entire plant is a tropical wilderness and the stars above are all ones and zeros. If they aren't the its either a UFO, drone, or satellite reflecting light. Not to mention light is only an illusion, it is a chemical reaction in the brain and thus not all brains can see in the same light. But when the great flash happens for you like at the beginning of this creation, you will manifest your life. But the loa is only one law of thirteen and a gateway cult. Everything is an illusion and when you drive a car every day or someone you know does and you see that car enough you will begin to notice it. The opportunity is always around you, it comes from within. Those are waiting to get married or looking for the right one are surrounded with specimen. But had it not been for a trigger in the mind to notice what you would not notice before. The lottery ticket did not come because of feeling good, you have bought into an illusion. A consumer product of all the bodies and entities that make up the beast. In parts of the world the entire nation is cut off from the rest of the world and they do not interact. Then the citizens are a product of that entity and the are strictly everything the government has put out. To expound on that, the norms of society are etched in stone because there is no other way know.

But we have become products of this also, like for example the healthcare. We treat cancer different than the rest of the world, we charge a lot of money, the medicine is leading in killings. Our take, for example how we are more liberal to balance out the bondage we are in as Americans. When we act on the injustices of the world and become independent we leave the cage. The matrix is like a cage or a net and the door is open, and the matrix serves as a shelter in the wilderness.

The light is what supports life on this plant and we are products of that, also is all the illusions cast upon it's rays from the matrix. The mind also cast off images into the rays of light and people hear and see what they program themselves to. Some people are unbearably miserable all the time. And they are never satisfied unless they have something to neg about or cry about. Some people just seem to never have any problems at all, or at least not any "real" problems. Being aware of what feels good and doing more of it and feeling good while doing it, and that is what life has come to. But what about what feel's good later, or makes me feel good without my efforts? We must separate the worthy from the worthless know what it is you really want in life and at the foundation of that is survival. It feels alot better being safe inside a suburb than a log cabin far off in the woods ( or a tent). Be empowered to go into the unknown and claim the vast terrain for yourself.

We are members of stranger's home and to be independent and sovereign is to have more than a home but a nation and legacy. Each family should be known for something remarkable and provide some type of service to contribute to find out the common ground in everyone's "if this was a perfect world" and have a world within this earth outside of this artificial world system. To purchase things to survive you need to use the currency and that takes some learning to do. You then know how to purchase and then buy what you think will make you feel good. Then You purchase what you think will sustain you. (you as in hypothetically the masses) When television, cable, streaming services offer countless experiences caught on film you don't watch every single one. But some catch your attention, if any at all. And those ones you dial in and PAY attention. Not to ention that alot of these consumer products we use require us to have something along the lines of a alternate self. A social security number, a photo id, a student number, etc. So there again you bought something and have become a consumer living in a consumer state at cost. A cost that can never be redeemed, your time. Working for countless hours to get the currency because to have shelter, transportation, credit, sustenance, hygiene, water, love, shiny things, raiment, power and the list goes on... you know the having money coming in can be leveraged to assist you in purchasing these products of life. Everything cost time first, but there are cost that should always be counted in each purchase. Even in what we say and think all thought that is yours dose not haft to be yours. Each thought creations a habitual pattern, a ritual in your temple; the human body. These form behaviors, mannerism, beliefs, and reactions to things in life, ultimately the entire experience.

Everything that is anything to you at all is anything because your brain scans and process this information to the mind. You are the operator of the human body and like owning a car, if you do not add the fluids it will break down. With the human mind every single thought is a fluid to the car. Since the car has many fluids and the human brain has so many thoughts you must be able to identify what fluid. Trust me when I say you do not want a mechanic for your brain, save the cost and do it yourself. Think outside of what you know and into the unknown and be independent, like a child runs away from home, the sovereign mind must be able to support itself. You, who are the mechanics of your own minds can change the fluid/substance at anytime. When you put quality in then the car runs good, but the mind can be altered unlike an engine. Living life in an alpha state may make it seem much smoother because you have become more efficient. Each efficiency put fourth proof and evidence of the things unseen. The best engines with the best fluids are bought with a price and the mind is like that only you are the mechanic and pay for it piece by piece, putting your renaissance mind together as a grand master piece. And then you will be grateful without option and you and the world will gaze at the your precious mind, so delicate and intricate never to be broken and understood, by means of it's manifestations on the ray of light from the great flash in the beginning of this age.


Awareness is an illusion, my friend!

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