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RE: Does Steemit Support Oligarchy More Than Anarchism? Does Real Anarchy Lead to World Peace? How WIll Steemit Evolve?

in #steemit7 years ago

hehe - the payout jumped because I used the @booster service and got a high percentage from the vote in that round. ;)

Yes, I am aware of the non-physical origins of the manifestation of physical reality via intentions, desires and will. ;)

It all starts in the heart, which is part of why I named my own social network, the Earth Heart Community :)

Alpha-Centauri - well, yes and no ;)


according to bleeding edge research about half of the atoms that we (everything) is made of on planet Earth came from other galaxies.. which means * A Long time ago in a Galaxy far far away* I am part hoth beast and you're from a lot further away than our nearest stars.. I mean 1 million light years away.. Which I reckon must imply that our atoms have been involved in numerous advanced civilisations. If there is such a thing as sub atomic memory then we're playing out a recycling of consciousness, ideas, technology from super advanced aliens who got wiped out by a supernova ! or something like that..

it was your co-creating reality statement that hooked me in. You're either a sleepwalker or a skywalker ! and you're definitely wide awake :)

hehe. well, my mayan dreamspell signature is 'red lunar skywalker' ;)

Yes, actually, ALL IS ONE. So we are both literally and holographically 'everything'. At least, that's what I understand and have also experienced many things which show me that that is true in a practically useful way too.

When i used the word 'holographic' it was not meant to imply 'simulation' or 'fake'. A holographic reality is simply one where the essence of the totality can be found everywhere within the reality. Another way to describe this is to say that 'god is in everything alive'.

And then some...

That sounds like a fractal to me, too. Everything is self-similar and connected. But I would expand on that to say that God is everything, and everything is conscious.

One day, not too long ago, I read that mathematicians figured out that if man has free will, he got it from matter. Since then, I have started to consider the idea that the Universe is an organism, not a thing.

Yes, I agree. Matter = Mother. ;)

well in that case you should read my dead post on "is reality a simulation".. to cut a very long story short, it was in response to Tony Stark (ElonM) recent remarks that it must be.. My own rebuke was that his world may indeed be a holographic projection of it's own massive ego, but this world is real and it's all we've got. It seems very irresponsible / dangerous to assume it's all running on a big graphics card in another dimension, considering the current plight of the world it's animals, plants and ... people

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