NEW STEEMIT THEME: The Power of 10,000 Unicorns! Brace Yourselves! (Change how appears in your browser).

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

There comes a time in every designer's life when there's not option left but to invoke the sacred power of the unicorn and stand back

I have recently created a blue theme for Steemit and it's only appropriate that I now balance that with the full force explosion of pink that is my new theme...

How to use

As with the 'Ureka Blue' theme that I recently linked you to in my Steemit blog - You just need to install the Styling browser plugin and then install this theme from the userstyles website. Instructions are below:

Ready? Let's get started:

We are going to use the browser plugin and service called 'Stylish' - available at userstyles.


  1. Install the browser plugin called 'Stylish' in your web browser by searching inside your web browser's add-on area. Firefox and chrome both have areas that you can use to add extensions/add-ons and you can find the area in the browser's main menu.

  2. Visit and click on the button for Stylish that has been added to your browser's list of extension icons (usually top-right of the browser). Choose 'Find styles for this site' and you will then see a list of available themes you can use to change the appearance of Steemit.

  3. Choose the 'Steemit Unicorns with Unique Horns' theme available here:

  4. Click to install the theme.

Once installed, you will find that is now magically being shown with the new blue theme visible.

Warning: If you aren't Trickartreat and are not experienced in handling such vast quantities of powerful pastels and unicorn poop - then think carefully before installing this. She helped design it and she knows what she's doing.. do you?



Follow, Upvote, Resteem - @ura-soul


The LGBT community would love this.

Could you also make a Starwars theme? That would be cool ;-)

it takes quite a long time for me to make a theme and i am a professional software engineer - so my 'hourly rate' is enough to make it quite an expensive hobby to make free themes! I think i will offer a competition when i reach 500 followers, where everyone can request a theme to be made and the one that gets the most votes, I will make. star wars is probably going to be one of the more popular options, I imagine ;)

great ;-) i will vote for it ,once the competition arrives. I follow you so i hope i won't miss it

haha :) totally made my day! The amoung of magic power coming from it is incredible and able to supply the whole worldddd

:) i have a feeling it will be famous in japan.. I will find a translator lol

you go boiiiii

Anyway, Thank you NIck for making it :) It's very cuuuteee

Hope there will be a way to customize your blog, so other people by default can choose to see the customized version, if they "tick" on "view custom themes". Also, dope theme. Thanks for showing the possibilities!!

to do something like that will require the coders of to change their code - it's not something that I can add myself.

Yeah, i know. Was just thinking out loud.

ah ok - gotcha!

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