in #steemit6 years ago

Such an awesome steemit meet up last night. Will be making a proper post on this in a few days when I have all the pics and videos but for now just wanted to share a few images from the event! A few of us on steemit have been holding London meetups and only attracting a few people to each but when we all pulled together we managed to get a big London turn out for this one with around 30 people + coming along...... a mix of existing members, long time members, new members and potential members. :)

Thankyou to the Queen of Hoxton and to @redrica for booking the tables and buying everyone their first drink!

More images coming soon:)







really great meeting!! im in process of the video soon :) xx

haha can't wait to see those!!!!

Sounds like a lot of fun. Would be interested in joining you for another event if it's mid week.

your third person to say would like a midweek one and I'm free so ill organise something
you can join in discord if you want xx

It's a little difficult to get down to London on a weekend as I live on the Norfolk coast. I work alternate weeks between London and Amsterdam so have a 50% chance of making a date :)

Well if you want to give dates we can try and just make a coffee meeting around you even if it’s only 3/4 of us who can make it ?

Was so nice to meet you at the party even if for a brief second! Hopefully next time I will have more time! Looking forward to hear more about the meetup!

Yes it was so hard to connect to everyone properly . I hope you had a lovely time xx

Thanks for all your efforts in getting more people to come! It was a massive success and so much fun. Great to see how many Londoners are around!

Looking forward to our next meetup already :)

definitely, here is the discord link for the meet up group I started, if you want to use it can set you to top levels admin etc xx

Thanks Sara, will definitely join. Great for UK/europe to have a discord channel, will use it to promote our London meetups in the future :)

Nice to meet you Sara, a bit akward with the handshake but i had a giggle sorry!

thank you for meeting friends and motivating for newbies steemit members

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