The real purpose of negativity and anger

in #steemit8 years ago

Anger is the least socially acceptable emotion in our culture, There isn't even a close second. Some people Will say to never look at things negativity because it will wind up hurting you, But the only pain you will receive is from running away from it . Anger is the catalyst for change when used properly however most people use it to bring them selfs down. 

Example if someone is coming to steal all you things and you need an adrenaline rush to fight the attacker, anger will be your power to help defend yourself. If you don't have anger you may not be able to tap into your adrenaline reserves and lose the fight. When the self-defense principle is lost you have become the perfect slave that would never dream of fighting back. I am all for the non aggression principle when its backed by the self-defense principle, using todays terminology DON'T START NO SHIT & DON'T TAKE NO SHIT 

Let me say that anger is a natural emotion that we all have. It isn’t wrong to feel anger. It doesn’t make you a bad person or less of an awakened being. It simply means that sometimes, some days, something makes you mad.

Pain is there to motivate you to change , if something hurts really bad you will likely try and move away from it back towards happiness but without pain you don't know what happiness is. 

If you ignore all forms of negativity you will just get more of it. Example : A person that puts there hands over a fire and says if i just believe hard enough it will not hurt me & of course they leave there hand until its roasted. IF you noticed you were in pain and took action against it you would have alleviate the pain and returned back to happiness.  Pretending something is not there will only ensure it happens again. 

You pain is your greatest strength or your worst enemy. Pain is temporary it may last 4 a minute and hour or even a couple of years but eventually it will transmute it something else,whether or not it is beneficial to you is up to you.

So when someone does or says something that makes you mad simply stop, take a breath, relax and ask your self, “Why does this hurt me so much?” You may be surprised at the answer you come up with.

When you allow yourself quiet time to reflect on why you generate the feelings you do, you will find the truth behind the person you are. And when you know the person you are, you become free to become the person you've always wanted to be.


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