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RE: Je Suis @SteemSports

in #steemit8 years ago
The content changed because Dan the CTO of the company started down voting our posts (down voting my posts). What this means – is because his vote is super powerful (thousands of times more powerful than your vote or mine) he can manipulate the payout – even if other “whales” support it.

FWIW, you've never truly experienced a Dan or Ned downvote until you've seen it show a $2 Quadrillion deficit as the payout.

I have my friends and it was truly epic!

This was before any of us were receiving payouts and some of us had no clue if we now were expected to make up that $2 Quadrillion deficit before we could even get a payout on Steemit.

Luckily we learned that negative payouts (yes the site used to show negative amounts, although it may have been only GUI related) were not really a thing on Steemit. :)


Negative amount are real? I figured in theory it was possible.. Thats interesting.

Love the gif ;)

For a time the site displayed negative amounts if a whale hit you with a downvote.

That would be interesting to look at close up - i'd assume the negative dollar amount would just be distributed to everyone else in the reward pool?

I think it was just a display issue on site, but don't know for sure.

Check it out, I found the screenshot from back then. :)

Lol, this gif is awesome it should have it's own post!

I'm sure it did long ago. ;)

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