RED DOLL: Another Murder. [An Original Story]

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Chapter Seven
First Chapter:
Previous Chapter:

An apology to all readers for being late with this latest chapter, my internet went down and I had to travel to a friends to get the story up.
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-ASI advert.


The City was one fire, the flames setting the dome aglow.

In HIS mind, he could see many cities burning: the ruins of Berlin; Hanoi in flames; New York, reduced to cinders.

HE never did understand these visions, the reason for the presence eluding HIM. Ultimately, they did not matter; only the MISSION.

And yet, they were a part of HIM. As HE stood and watched the flames, HE felt something odd, unfamiliar.

HE felt at HOME.


Usually, HE would not undertake a REQUISITION so soon after another, but circumstances had tied HIS hands. In a rare moment of failure, HE had miscalculated; HIS body was unbalanced, the new addition dragging down its efficiency. Putting a stain on the primary organ.

HE needed a new HEART.

HE hadn’t done impromptu REQUISITION like this before, and for the first time in a long time, HE felt vulnerable. HE had no set target, only possibilities; so much room for error. But HE knew he would overcome; it was hard-wired in his cells. No one cared for the camps, and the further chaos of the riots would cover HIS activities,

HE stalked the rooftops, moving closer to the riot zone; if HIS information was correct, the most suitable candidates would be participating.

HE stopped above an alleyway that led to the street and decided here HE would wait and watch. The small no-nonsense voice in the back of HIS head noted with glee HE had picked a tactically sound position; the alley would serve as a key line of retreat for any rioters. HIS prey would come to him.

HE waited. The Sky darkened from the glowing red of sunset to the dark blue of night. A few scrawny rioters passed HIS perch; diseased, all of them, not worth HIS time.

Movement caught HIS eye; another rioter. Different from the others; well built, healthy. He walked with confidence, slinking silently up the alley, a mask over his face and the image of a blue eagle emblazoned on an armband.

The Screaming Eagles.

From deep within him, something stirred. No matter what HE was, HE was an Australian, and he took offence to types like this man, those who wished to bring harm to HIS country, just because they were stupid enough to let theirs burn to ash.

But HIS patriotic fervour soon gave away to a more important impulse; He could feel the man’s HEART, beating strongly, proudly.

HE had found his MARK.

HE dropped from above, landing quietly behind the eagle. HE swung his arms in a wide arc, wrapping HIS hands around the man neck, and squeezed. The man was lifted from his feet, a single surprised gasp escaping his lips before the force crushed his larynx and reduced his spine to powder.

HE would have to work fast; HE could feel the pulse fading. In a swift movement, HE dropped the body to the ground, while HE reached for HIS own chest. The shroud and skin over HIS heart parted, leaving the obsolete organ exposed. HE hesitated, slightly, then pulled the heart from his chest. It beat a few times in HIS hand, then HE dropped it without hesitation.

HE would be able to survive, for a time; Auxilary valves and nodes reenforced with new muscle, could keep HIS blood pumping. As HE reached for the body, HE idly wondered if he could install two hearts; HE was constantly learning new things about HIS body, and it honestly wouldn't surprise HIM.

His hand sunk into the eagle's chest effortlessly; with a sharp pull, HE tore the chest cavity open, ribs snapping like twigs. HIS new HEART lay still, only faint impulses passing through it. HE carefully lifted HIS prize, understanding its fragile nature, then held it to HIS chest, tendrils greedily pulling it in.

HE felt a pain, sharp, cutting, burning in HIS chest; and then a warmth spread through him. HE felt HIS new HEART beating strong, healthy, and with a small smile HE realised it was more than enough; his efficiency had increased by 17%, an unexpected bonus.

With new found strength, HE leapt to the roofs ​and began the long journey home.

The body of the fallen eagle would not be undisturbed for long.

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