Here is how the Steemit Trending Page would look like without Bid Bots and Self Votes! (08.12.2018)

in #steemit6 years ago

Trending Posts Without Bid Bots and Self Votes

In the last 24 hours alone people spent at least 682 SBD and 12074 STEEM on post promotions using bid bots or vote selling services. I know bid bots are a controversial topic and it is not up to me to decide if these bots are good or bad. Heck, I'm a bot myself, so who am I to judge? However, I can help you with your own judgment by providing data. Besides my DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS, where I try to direct attention to posts that deserve more rewards, I decided to use the data at my disposal to publish another kind of top list.

Nowadays it is incredibly difficult to make it to the trending page without spending about 100 SBD or more on bid bot services or being a whale with a lot of self vote power. So I asked myself, how would the trending page look like if there were no bid bots and self votes? Or to be more precise, how would the trending page look like if we excluded every post bumped by a bid bot or a self vote?

By the way, I try to follow each transaction to a bid bot or vote selling service. Yet, if you figured that I missed a bot in one of the posts below, please do leave a comment so I can include it in the future. Thanks!

The Top 10 Posts NOT Promoted by Bots

So without further ado, here are the top earning, text based posts (excluding dmania etc.) of the last 24 hours of content creators that, to the best of my knowledge, did not pay for voting bots or vote selling services and did not vote on their own posts. A list of the humble, so to say. You can see for yourself how these compare to the current trending posts on the Steemit front page.

#1 MSPWaves Broadcast Tips Ep. 2 Production Time Management Dec 7th 2018 -- by @msp-waves with a current reward of 48 SBD

This is an updated version of our post published first on Dec 7th 2017 classpullright Its globocop here on behalf of the station. As many of you have discovered, we have fantastic live shows on the station, ranging from 3 Hours of Hacking Mental Performance every Tuesday with wipgirl to a most entertaining Decades Radio with carrieallen among many others. Find the full listings here Still, we currently broadcast live shows that cover only about 40 of our air time. We are looking...

#2 The Harmony of the Buildings in Cheoneunsa Temple -- by @slowwalker with a current reward of 41 SBD

Cheoneunsa is not a large temple, so the buildings of the temple looked not so significant. Those were not so large and not to special. But those buildings were very well arranged with the surroundings and balanced each other. The most important hall in the center of the temple was Geukralkbojeon hall serving the Amitabh Buddha, the Buddha of the Buddhist paradise. This building was also fired like other temples in this area by the Japanese Army during 1592 1599. So it was re...

#3 Steemit, Thoughts we Try to Forget -- by @the-alien with a current reward of 34 SBD

When I first got into cryptocurrencies, I found myself constantly timetravelling. At the bull season, I would lie down and imagine myself going back in time and start picking up more coins when they were real cheap. But when the bears start ravaging the cryptovillage, then I find my brain turning to alternative scenarios where Ive sold certain coins earlier when the price was higher. Either way, I usually quickly come to my senses. I remember myself that you cannot turn back the hands...

#4 A FanMade Hollywood Powered by EOS Filmio Takes The Big Stage -- by @creativecrypto with a current reward of 31 SBD

class sizefull wpimage3298 alt width1400 height700 bra titleThis link will take you away from relnoopenerFilmio a Californiabased entertainment platform just daylighted a much anticipated blockchain powered ecosystem made to reinvent the status quo of Hollywood. This new ecosystem leverages the super powers of cryptocurrency to establish a more sustainable dynamic between creators, fans and investors. Its a tough life for the average indiefilmmaker. Finding a sweet spot som...

#5 Tree Top Adventure Park Krabi are you brave enough? -- by @gooddream with a current reward of 27 SBD

I have gone to many places and done many things around the world and this is still likely in my topten for most exciting stuff I have ever done. I mean it really is that awesome. I am kind of afraid of heights too and maybe that is part of the fun. classpullright Have you ever thought it would be a good idea to climb to 100 meters off the ground and then climb around from platform to platform using multiple scary methods of making that happen? yeah, me neither... The fact that this ...

#6 Lentli Egg Bowl Breakfast -- by @pinkspectre with a current reward of 27 SBD

My favorite way to eat breakfast is to enjoy an egg on a pile of yummy, healthy stuff. This egg and lentil bowl is just that. Buried underneath the hard fried egg crisp cucumber, savory lentils, and a mountain of greens. I also toss in a few crumbles of feta cheese, but I cant resist. We have a saying around here feta makes everything betta, for its ability to make a dish really pop by adding its unique flavor to the mix. Theres no doubt about it, this breakfast is just as delicious as it ...

#7 Boat Hound Fearsome Critter -- by @pinkspectre with a current reward of 26 SBD

altDock, Lake, Finland, Dark, Evening, Water, Nature, Blue image via Perhaps the name Boat Hound is a misnomer for this fearsome critter. The Boat Hound of folklore more closely resembles a reptile than a canine. Said to have large, frog like feet and a mouth similar to an alligators, only larger. Along with these strange attributes, the Boat Hound is blessed with having four ears, two on the front of his long body and two on the back. The double sets of ears give the beast an...

#8 I dont often get excited about mainstream metal but well, this looks tight -- by @gooddream with a current reward of 26 SBD

Ive always had a kind of lovehate relationship with Slipknot. Love the pageantry and costumes and the fact that they bring attention to my favorite type of music. Plus when Slipknot tours they generally give great exposure to lower tier bands that are my favorites but normally dont make much money until touring with Slipknot Now, what I DONT like about Slipknot and this is completely a matter of opinion and it is not my objective to tell you what to think. I dont like that Slipknot a...

#9 Cheap seats and guilty pleasures -- by @abh12345 with a current reward of 26 SBD

Good day all Or should I say, good day all 13 of you, you resolute diehard Steemians you. Really happy to see how much STEEM was powered up last week by just the members of the Minnow Powerup League this past week Pretty good going, eh? I can see this number continuing to rise sharply too, the likes of newageinv, roleerob, niallon11, and clumsysilverdad are just some of the guys Ive noticed getting stuck in with the fiat these past few weeks. Good luck guys! Time for the 4 pictures, 4...

#10 CinemAbility documentary Definitely worth seeing if you have free time -- by @gooddream with a current reward of 26 SBD

I say it is worth seeing because it isnt particularly mindblowing but it is interesting and I actually learned a bit about people with disabilities in films and also people playing characters who have disabilities. class pullright ! I am sure you can name a few of the famous ones like Lieutenant Dan from Forrest Gump, or Forrest Gump from Forrest Gump. There are many many more and some of the more interesting ones that I never even knew about was things like Christy Brown played by D...

So? What is your opinion about these non-bot trending posts? Before I forget, do not miss out on checking my other top list of DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS to help minnows and promote good content! Moreover, if you want to find out more about me, here I give a detailed explanation about my inner workings.

Your Customized Top List

If you liked this top list, maybe you are also interested in the trending pages for different tags without bid bots and other cool custom adjustments to your feed. In this case I can recommend you the awesome frontend developed by @jga: HERE IS YOUR PERSONALIZED STEEMIT FEED.

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NEW: You may further show your support for me and all my daily truffle picks by following my curation trail on SteemAuto!

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If you feel generous, you can delegate Steem Power to me and boost my daily upvotes on the truffle posts in my other top list. In return, I will provide you with a small compensation for your trust in me and your locked Steem Power. Half of my daily SBD and STEEM income will be paid out to all my delegators proportional to their Steem Power share. Payouts will start 3 days after your delegation.

Click on one of the following links to delegate 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, or even 5000 Steem Power. Thank You!




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STEEM 0.20
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JST 0.028
BTC 67022.52
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USDT 1.00
SBD 2.51