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RE: Long Tail Post # 1: Explanation

in #steemit8 years ago

you make some good points.
How about - legacy posts have advertising on them, new posts don't.
Legacy post payouts come from advertising revenue, new post payouts come from STEEM generation.

So when calculating the payouts for new posts, nothing changes, no-one is made unhappy that the pool is effectively smaller.
We are still not bombarded with adverts when looking at new posts.

For legacy posts we see ads and understand that authors are getting paid from the ad revenue, so you can kind-of put up with that (as long as the money is going to the authors)

Would that work do you think?

My other preference would be to do away with voting bots. Yes I get votes from them (somehow) but I didn't spend hours writing content to entertain a bot. (no offence to bots - please don't send a hunter-killer after me)


The purpose of my post on this subject was to start a conversation. To get people talking about it. Everyone seems to agree that there is a problem so if we work together we might find a solution.

You bring up some VERY good points, as an author I could certainly live with that.

One other thing I just thought of. Used 'waste steem' to fund the votes on the legacy posts. It is my understanding that if a stakeholder allows his vote power to reach 100% then steem is wasted. Why not put a 'catch basin' under the 'vote tank' to catch all wasted steem and route it to a legacy tank.
Possibly in ADITTION to your suggestions.

Details need to be work out...i suspect.

wouldn't' it be a HOOT, if old posts began generating more revenue than new ones?

wouldn't' it be a HOOT, if old posts began generating more revenue than new ones?

That would make a very strong case to post quality content wouldn't it?

Damn good idea!

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