Nice Post! Upvoted and Resteemed! Will You Upvote Me?

in #steemit7 years ago

If you post on any of my threads (or anywhere on my feed) asking for an upvote, I'm going to flag you.

End of story. You want to earn some upvotes? Post a thoughtful comment responding to what you just read.

People will respect you a lot more. You might even get some real followers.

Asking for asking for trouble.


Do NOT post "upvoted and resteemed."

Sorry, no one cares that you upvoted it with your sub-zero voting power and re-steemed it to all 2 of your followers. Some of us - MANY of us - DO check to see if you've copied and pasted the same comment, over and over, across a bunch of threads.

(Did you know EVERYTHNG YOU DO is public knowledge here?)

And if you do copy and paste the same comment, then you're going to start seeing a bunch of these...

...until you are no longer relevant and your posts don't appear by default.

(Did you know that you lose reputation whenever someone flags you? And if your reputation falls too low, that your posts will be grayed out and not appear by default?)

Have a nice day.

Oh! But if you post a thoughtful comment below...maybe about YOUR experience with bots, in the case of this particular post...I will almost certainly toss an upvote your way. That's how I roll.

That's how most people here roll.

We want a real community, real followers, real engagement.


@steemflagrewards approves this message! We know that flags have their purpose and glad you are using them!
Come check us out if you would like to be rewarded for appropriate flags. Mention us on a flagged post and get a free comment upvote!

Fair enough, no upvote and no resteemed . I certainty dont want a upvote, I get plenty from myself.

But seriously the behaviours you mention above are human nature and an intrinsic part of the steemit journey. People come on after reading about whales and learning of this new crypto "thing". Only to realise they are competing with pro-level bloggers, whales and actual celebrity. Like me they quickly discover this sh1t aint easy. So they learn, research, evolve and adapt. Asking for upvotes is part of that process they move through. From you perspective yes its frustrating but just to put folks down and threaten a good flagging is not exactly productive either.

I'm Soooo tempted..
but no...sometimes my attempts at humor...aren't.

you RIGHT! in fact I just posted a ZAP on the same topic.
I don't flag em though...waste of my voteing power.
I just mute them...never to see what they say ever again.
for free.

It can spark a flagging war...but...usually the people (bots) doing it are of so little SP and rep that it's irrelevant anyway.

I sometimes mute, but I take some sick pleasure in watching the reputation score drop when I flag them.

I was about to comment "upvoted and resteemed." as a joke but then I got too scared because you might actually flag the comment :D So yeah I guess I have nothing to say bye

A smarter move not to, for sure.

But I do appreciate a good joke.

I am new to steemit but I can already guess how irritating it must be when people spam that in the comments

Yeah. It doesn't take a whole lot of effort to make decent money from Steemit. But some people try to take serious shortcuts and it only bites them in the ass.

I have seen the inane comment brigade on here from day one, begging for followers, saying nothing of any real meaning on any post, seems they are begging more for a flag than a follower, annoying they are, and seem to go away quite fast, good riddance, to bad rubbish.

Loling and ❤️ing this post.

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