Thanks Steemit - 10 days, 150 posts & 100 Followers!steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)


What a 10 days. Thanks to all followers and commenters who have given me the courage of my convictions to come out my social media exile to try to do my bit to wake up people to the real world. Steemit really is the social media platform that is going to change everything. It's not hyperbole I truly believe it.

If someone had told me 2 weeks ago that by now I would have written 35 posts and 135 comments there is no way I would have believed it. The fact that you guys out in Steemitland have read my posts, made intelligent comments and had dialogue with me has spurred me on.

And not a single troll!

Back at the beginning of the 90's I knew I didn't want to conform to the "rules". I'd saw us attack Iraq the 1st time and didn't want any part of it. I went backpacking in the spring of 1991 and didn't return until spring 1998. I thought I'd seen it all and was a man of the world.

I was wrong.

A few years after returning (a changed man but not yet a man of the world) 9/11 happened.

Then things really changed, shit started happening that made me feel uncomfortable about my country and its succesive governments.
Why did we need to destroy Iraq, Afghanstan & many others because a bunch of Saudi's attacked the USA?
Why wasn't Saudi Arabia attacked? Why is the economy terrible? Why do we need constant surveillance?
I know most people who are into truth know the answers to these questions so I won't labour the point.

It was because it all lies! Everything they tell us is a lie.

Listen to this song and read the lyrics. This song is 25 years old, it's like they had a crystal ball.

I first heard that when it was released and I thought "f**king great song" but the message was lost on me. To much weed in Thailand and India probably 😜

My point is this, the truth movement has been around for a long time and most of us didn't register. Look at David Icke and Alex Jones they've both been around for 20+ years getting historic abuse from the MSM but they never gave in.
Nowadays though due to the Internet and the new platforms like Steemit ignorance is a choice. You have no reason not to be awake you have to choose to be ignorant.

I choose to be awake and I choose not to be ignorant.

To all the great people who have chosen to follow me you have my eternal thanks and I promise you I will never stop trying to get the message out, never give in to tyranny and never listen to the lying scumbag politicians and media ever again.

Special thanks to the truthers out there who've been at it for years, you guys woke me and I'll never forget it.
@sgtreport @themoneygps @jsnip4 @roguemoney @x22report @dollarvigilante @corbettreport plus so many others I've come across in the last few years.

Please follow these guys and please follow me if you don't already at @tremendospercy

Thanks again

For those who stayed until the end here is another favourite of mine from the 90's.....Enjoy.


Nice job - We agree on music .. lol
also agree on @sgtreport @x22report @dollarvigilante

I thought you the bottom video was this :

150 posts in 10 days :D you are on a run!!
Keep going, I remember my first couple of days/weeks on Steemit. Awesome time.
Glad I found this project and was given this huge opportunity! :D

Thanks for the support and for commenting 👍

Great job treme. Thought I would come straight here this morning to help you celebrate...

now onward and upward

G'day Dude, got to 100 pretty quickly today thanks to you. Won't be around much the next week I'm flying to Croatia in the morning. Will try to post some comments when I can. Later

Beautiful country - was there in 2002 and had a fantastic time. Enjoy.

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