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RE: A practical proposal to combat abusive flagging

in #steemit7 years ago (edited)

Could you provide some example of abusive flagging ? I feel like I'm one of rare few that actually bother to downvote content that get too highly rewarded (usually by guilds) as a mean to improve the frontpage. But ultimately there is one main problem ; Not enough people are visiting steem's UIs to consume content because the main UI sucks (
For example, If we can't customize filters for the content we want or don't want to see then nobody's happy and no niche community can form.


It's not really for me to say what abusive flagging is in general, just like I wouldn't be able to say what makes a good quality or up-vote-worthy. There are plenty of people who have their own idea, so just like with up-votes, it's up to them to decide. I'm curious to see if there is anything to it that people can agree on. If there is, this proposed tool could work for them. 🙂

On your second point, I'd also love to see custom filters, it's something I'd love to add my voice to proposing at some stage when the frontend team are more up for suggestions, or perhaps building a light tool to filter according to custom criteria as a separate thing. I'm already doing some nice filtering with the voter bot I made, I'm going to be pulling the metrics engine as a separate thing, the idea is tracked here.

Perhaps niches groups could run their own tiny Node.js server for it? 🤔

I thought this flag was pretty abusive ...No offense but you flagged me on a pretty innocent post about making lemonade. I think my lemonade was very good. You didnt think my lemonade was bad but youu didnt think it was worth the upvotes... You should only flag if you think a post is bad not necessarily if its overrated.... You cost me 20 bucks yesterday and it hurt my feelings :(

Did the downvote bring your post to zero reward or below? If not then I don't consider it abusive, I consider it disagreement among stakeholders on the best allocation of rewards. If you look on youtube you will find that the trending videos have between 60-90% upvotes. I doubt the posters there are unhappy about it either. You can't please everyone but if you please most here, you are rewarded. As long as you got more upvotes than downvotes (weighted by SP) you pleased the majority. If that turns into a significant reward you should be happy about that (and you did better than probably 95% of posts)

I hope you're joking ! I think a post with blurry picture about mixing water honey and lemon should not be anywhere near the frontpage.
I'm curious why your last 30+ post barely made 10cent each on average. I upvoted what I thought was undervalued. Personally not a fan of religious stuff, good luck.

Maybe that single post wasnt worth $40 but I clearly put alot of time into steemit and alot of the time my posts are very informing and they are underrated...What im saying is sometimes posts that are simple can be brilliant (its all weighs out even) it doesnt have to have alot of words to make it a good post just alot of thought ya know? Much love and thanks for the upvote.

By the way I forbid you from ever making lemonade with honey... lol

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