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RE: Once Again to Downvoting Warriors, Leave me alone.

in #steemit5 years ago (edited)

If you have a long-term plan that can explain how rewarding these type of content will bring value to steem in the form of mass user onboarding, external views and demand for the token then I won't just take these post at face value.

Ps : I can't read Korean and your post look very boring without even a thumbnail.


Hi @transisto, reading the previous post and current post of @slowwalker he explained that he is using Steemit for daily blogging of his study of Korean tradition, culture, history. Many users have their jobs and other daily commitments and for them Steemit is the place where they can relax, express and share their thoughts and just to be free. In many organization there is marketing department for promotional aims, no other social media asks the users to promote Facebook, twitter or Instagram.

Also saying that you can't understand Korean and judge it just by looking at the post makes me very sad and frightened. It is like discrimination for not using English language.

There is nowadays "google-translator" that helps to at least to have a rough idea of what the post is about before judging it. I would accept if someone can't agree with the ideas that been expressed in the posts but not because you can't understand the language.

I hope it does make a sense for you, I think while we are all a part of this little platform and inspired by Steem, we should try to find a golden middle to co-exist in harmony and only that friendly atmosphere will help us to make more people to come and join Steemit.

@stef1, I appreciate your candid comment. Let me make two items very clear. I like @slowwalker 's content. I also enjoy your original art. I think both of you are valuable to this platform. However, let me explain my thought process a bit clearly as I think with you it may be possible to have an intelligent conversation.

I did use google translate to read @oldstone 's post. The first paragraph runs like this:

The United States is struggling unprecedentedly to keep Gisomia. If you look quietly, there is something strange about Korea, the United States, and Japan in relation to the end of Gisomia.

But I am having problem understanding @slowwalker 's comment above:

I am writing essays on the current issues relating to Korea.
I was shaping my idea to write columns in newspapers and journals.
I do not want to be disturbed.

If someone just wants to write in shaping ideas, then why it is important who upvotes and who downvotes that post? Why "how much the post earns" matters?

Many of us have been trying to explain the mechanism of downvote on this blockchain. It is not taking rewards from anyone. It is just redistribution of rewards based on consensus. We do not have to agree on the quality of a content. Hopefully the net result of the cumulative positive and negative bias does that for us for 7 days and then at payout we have an answer.

Is this concept too difficult to understand? Because if you do not understand this it will be difficult for you (or any one) to understand governance on a blockchain.

I hope I am communicating to you in a pleasant way, as you do seem to be a kind and talented individual. Many thanks for your attention.

Hi @azircon and thank you for your reply. First of all I want to apologize for late reply but due to my work and family I decided to postpone it till now when I can have time and gather my thoughts. I can imagine how you guys, getting frustrated to try to explain why and how the downvote system works. I believe we all, do understand that and it is clear that until day 7 the payout is not the final reward that we will get that during this time it could be taken away if the post is considered to be not deserving the reward.

I think in @slowwalker's case his complete post was downvoted to zero and became invisible. I think that raised all the turmoil around. He has been told that his posts are all right and he should post but if his posts will be not be visible what is the reason to post.

I was thinking about the Voting system and what could maybe improve it, for example in order to avoid excessive Upvoted, there should be maybe the upper limit of upvotes like $20 daily limit no matter if the person is "Blocktrades" or any other small newbie.

The second that people should not be able to Self-upvote

Maybe limit posting to max 2 a day

If those restriction will be set up from beginning on then people just need to accept it.

I think downvote is a good system but as you know yourself, we are all different, some people may use it fairly but some not and that is what we see around.

I wish you a nice weekend and I was glad to be able for express my thoughts...

@stef1, I am glad you understood. I also appreciate your thoughts and positive suggestions.

Like I mentioned on the earlier post, I nominated that @slowwalker post to downvote, because of the reasons you mentioned and because without force of making a post zero; we were not making any headway earlier with conversation only.

My comments remain the same: even without rancho and heijin vote I have strong disagreement on rewards that slowwalker posts earn. I will exercise my disagreement when needed based on my stake (and I encourage others to do the same). This is a “proof of stake” blockchain as well. He has been around a long time, and owner of three massive accounts. With great power comes great responsibility. He have to be responsible on how he uses his votes and how his posts gets rewarded. Thankfully he is beginning to do that. That’s a step in the right direction.

Again my point remains if he is using this platform to do research and improve his writing then it shouldn’t matter how much his posts earn.

Do you have a thumbnail ?

I meant a thumbnail on your posts, not on your account. (I'd call that a profile image.)

Why it matters

Posted using Partiko iOS

Ever heard of instagram? In my opinion too few people want to read your stuff in korean.

Anyway you're not addressing the main point, which is. :

If you have a long-term plan that can explain how rewarding these type of content will bring value to steem in the form of mass user onboarding, external views and demand for the token then I won't just take these post at face value.

Ever heard of instagram? In my opinion too few people want to read your stuff in korean.

Anyway you're not addressing the main point, which is. :

If you have a long-term plan that can explain how rewarding these type of content will bring value to steem in the form of mass user onboarding, external views and demand for the token then I won't just take these post at face value.

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