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RE: Curate like a Boss - A Beginner's Guide to Querying SteemSQL (by a complete SQL beginner)

in #steemit7 years ago

this looks way complicated with all the coding in there. while i love your subjects, they intimidate me a little in their complexity and breadth. i'm interested in adding this program but ima look at it a bit more in comparison to the way im currently doing curie. or not doing curie...


Yeah there is certainly the intimidation factor when you look at a line like this:

CONVERT(int,(SELECT MAX(v) FROM (VALUES(log10(ABS(CONVERT(bigint,author_reputation)-1)) - 9),(0)) T(v)) * SIGN(author_reputation) * 9 +25) between 25 and 50 and

Honestly if you don't have a specific use case (like Curie curation in my instance) it might not make a lot of sense to use SQL query, although I personally am already in love with the "favorite posters" query and it will keep me up to date on my favorite Steemiters much better than my feed which is clogged with a lot of crap. I was never a "follow for follow" guy but I have followed an awful lot of people and without something like this I just miss posts from my friends all the time.

If you do end up thinking it makes sense to dig into SQL deeper, feel free to DM me (I know you would anyway). Much love - Carl

it isnt that so much as that i have another system. i cant deal with the feed its nice to check at a given moment but to curie from there is dikulous. i have a bunch of people on notify and a bunch bookmarked but not sure its a smart way

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