When writing, remember: They come for the presentation, but they stay for the content.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit6 years ago

Don’t Write For Money

Seriously. There are faster and easier ways out there to make money. Write because you love to teach or entertain and writing is your preferred medium of expression.


From my next blog article for my first anniversery on steemit:

A Few Lessons I Learned From My First Year on #Steemit

Follow me to get it


Life’s hard when you’re poor.

It’s hard to get rich.

Choose your hard.

Life is hard when you’re overweight and low energy.

And it’s hard to get into perfect shape.

Choose your hard.


Think about this

Price of a house =200,00
4.76% x 30 years

The true cost of the loan is


You can learn how to earn $200,000 in 2-5 years and pay for the house in cash

The cost too borrow money is too high.

The cost of being broke is too high

Winners reinvest profits



People ask me if they should go to college and I say...

Will it put you in a debt?
-Then no

Are you GUARANTEED a high paying job from that degree?
-Nothing is guaranteed, so no

Is your degree “general” like business mgmt?
-Then no

They give you loans so easy for a reason


Nobody cares about how much money you make unless you’re going to help them make some



Everyone talks about FOMO(Fear Of Missing Out).

When really they should be talking about FODO(Fear Of Disciplinary Optimization).

But the latter requires you to take responsibility for your actions.

Nobody talks about this.


Only people worth listening to here?

Sure, there’s PROBABLY more, but from my observations?

They be the realest

Respek on their name


Most badass men have 2 things in common

  • Lift weights
  • Love for mafia movies


Say what you like about #Mugabe, but name one other president who made everyone in his country a billionaire.


To extremists, moderate views are extreme.


Enjoying a delicious dinner at an upscale restaurant in Old Quebec and I reflect on growing up in the projects but being here now.

I feel blessed. I worked hard, but I'm still lucky I didn't get wiped out by my environment early.

A lot of cats never even got a chance.


Slowly but surely losing my love for rap music

91% of it is trash


One thing I'll never be is a hater. I'd rather keep silent than shit on someones dream.

That shit is bad karma.



Ain't no feeling greater than being the friend your homies come to when they wanna go for a dream.

Actually, there is one. When you're one of the only ones they tell they've made progress because they know you'll get it.


All dating advice reduces to

  1. Ruthlessly enforce standards
  2. Increase value to attract quality people.

Everything else is minor detail.


Be the friend who supports friends making a change.
Be the friend who supports friends going after their dreams.

While it's easy for us to say they should do it anyway, your homies might doubt themselves.

Show the love when they talk about it. Don't be the crab in the bucket.



There are two types of people who create things:

Those looking for a quick buck and those trying to build something. I'm convinced these drives are mutually exclusive.

The creator may not be aware of this, but all of the actions he takes reveals his ultimate motivation.

From my next first anniversery blog article on steemit.

Follow me to get it.


Travel with someone to know them better.

Live with someone to discover all the quirks, ups and downs.


Living authentically is the best copy you could ever write.


Trust people to be people.

Nothing more and nothing less.


Until you watch a person under pressure, you don't know them.
You only know the representative they sent.


People always show you exactly what they are...

But you miss it because you're too busy listening to who they tell you they are instead.


Charisma without a moral compass is more destructive than science without ethical guidance.


Just because you ignore human nature doesn't mean that human nature will ignore you.


Nothing like airport delays.

What a great reason to spend another night here.


When it comes to controlling the behavior of most people, shame and status are superior to laws and force.


The internet advertising world is full of interesting cycles:

“Landing pages are the next big thing”

“Forget landing pages”

“Webinars are the next big thing”

“Forget webinars! Do this!”

They all work, when applied properly.

Don’t believe the hype.


Momentum is a bitch to get back once you've lost it.



The only thing necessary for crackheads to flourish is for sober men to do nothing.


If you're debating dropping out of college to start a business...

Start the business on the side. People start businesses with full-time jobs and kids

Prove you can actually do it--especially if you didn't grow up poor. You don't NEED to drop out. It just sounds sexy and easier

Solid advice, shame they don't see any value in the college they signed up for.
Back then, I bet starting college sounded sexier and easier too.
Perpetual starting again is a strong antipattern.
What sounds easier makes your life harder, investing time for no return.


Watch out for people who will provoke you until you become hostile, then play the victim to your "unreasonable" aggression.



If you have to issue an ultimatum, you're already in the losing position.
If the person is smart, they'll recognize this and crush you.


Your THINKING decides the nature of your Experience

If you’re ‘feeling’ shit right now, you’re THINKING shit.

As simple as that.

Thoughts precede Feeling.

Write down those shit thoughts

Analyse them.
See how Debilitating ‘they’ Are.
See how they are fucking you up.


The best way to make money is by helping people with a real problem.

I really feel good that @hustlehacker blog about sobriety is doing so well.

Not world-beating numbers, but honest to goodness ethical capitalism.


The more you accomplish, the more you feel like you need to accomplish to be somebody.

It's a weird feeling man.



Your customers are your most valuable asset.

Treat them well and you'll succeed long-term instead of just making a quick buck.


Overtraining is fairly common among serious exercisers.

Among the public, undertraining takes the cake though.


The feeling of a meaningful life is proportional to the amount of responsibility you take on

You can give someone all the advice in the world, but at the end of the day, some things can only be learned via direct experience.

Sometimes a person has to, as Alan Watts said, “persist in their folly” until it blows up in their face.

I’ve learned plenty of lessons that way.


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