My Unfiltered Truth About Steemit Mentors

in #steemit5 years ago (edited)

Last year, I was thinking about releasing a Vlog.

Thought it was going to be light work.

I am a public speaker you know..

What could possibly be so difficult?

I've spoken in front of hundreds of people.

Used my tonality, hand gestures, stage movement etc.

What could be so hard about sitting on my ass & talking in front of a mic?

Needless to say, I entered this journey with a lot of cockiness.

So the next day, my friend @hustlehacker, the host of theSpeakers Secret's taught me some basic setup of what I would need.

After he got me set up, I began recording.

The next few days, I began recording a lot of episodes on the fly.

Well, I ended up coming in contact with this gentleman named @hedgeye.

He is an active cartoonist member.

He seemed like a cool dude with a lot of experience.

So I asked him if he would be kind enough to listen to a few of my episodes and let me know what he thought.

So I gave him 2 episodes and awaited.

The next day, I was expecting a chorus full of praise and admiration.

'Did you get that??'


Exact opposite.

I was shredded in my evaluation.

Apparently my voice was slow, the cadence was off & the whole episode felt awkward.

Not going to lie.

The criticism did sting.

'Did you quit?'


He gave me something any good person should give to a friend.

'What was that?'


The next few days, I practiced & practiced some more.

With the added awareness, I noticed his critiques were spot on.

I was picking up an awkward rhythm as I was transitioning from public speaker mode to vlog mode.

But after each practice session, data gathering sprint & introspection, I learned.

Eventually, I felt I had a good grasp of the basics.

With the basics being tackled, I felt like I could use more improvement.

NOW was the time to get a mentor.

That is when I got in touch with @elsiekjay the Dtube Podcast Coach.

She is a maestro in the podcast game with her own show & 2+ years of experience in steemit.

Want to know something that was beautiful?


When I entered the call with @elsiekjay, we wasted NO time with basic questions.

We went straight to the meaningful points.

Our free strategy call felt like a session in itself!

And that is how he was able to skyrocket my performance in 8 short meetings.

She didn't waste any time hand holding me thru the basics.

But rather, she was able to do what any great mentor does.

Point you in the right direction.

But imagine this....

Imagine if I went to @elsiekjay with no experience?

Not only would I be wasting my time, but I would also be wasting HER time.

Want to know the truth?

This happens way too often nowadays.

People just don't want to fail.

The want EVERY way to ensure that they don't fail.

Which is why they chase a mentor so quick.

Slow down grasshopper.

Wait up.

Actually better yet....

Check out my 🇰🇪 friend's new video where she explains this problem in detail!

3 Types Of People You Should Never Forget In Your Life

Till tomorrow

Mr. Power Up ⚡

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