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RE: Thinking Out The Box: Curation Rewards

in #steemit7 years ago

I actually think there should be some reward related to curation mate and I know there are a few great curators out there who take a lot of time to read and comment, some more so than those who post regularly and I think if the posting is being rewarded then so should the curation side of things, though I would much prefer to see manual curation rather than the plethera of voting bots and trails we have at the moment. You are far more experienced (auld yin) and have a better knowledge of the workings of the platform which I am happy to bow to and happy to try anything that could potentially fix the broken system (self governing no less) that we have now. :)


Auld yin ;0) up ye :0p

I think the idea behind being rewarded for curating is great. I remember when I joined thinking this is awesome, not only do I get paid (potentially) to post, I get paid to curate!

Some people really do curate well. They probably don't get rewarded enough for it. It was while I was thinking on it I just thought ah fuck it, if it is causing trouble just get rid of it.

Perhaps there could still be great manual curators attached to groups that paid them via post earnings or something? I just think it's got to change. But hey, I appreciate your input Mr T!!

Cheers mate and I appreciate your attempt to foster conversation and change because you're definitely right, something has to. I commented a little while ago that the users of steemit will by default, follow the actions of those that are seen to be in leadership positions (most of whom are seen as those who have the most SP) and so it is important for those in these positions to set a good example. Hopefully in this way things can change for the better. If we have the right leaders. :)

They do do that don't they. I have noticed the same thing. I think it is good to get chatting about stuff as well because if none does then come the next hard fork everyone will be like wtf, where did this come from!! Not my idea but something else if you get me!

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