Thoughts on Curation Period - Increase to 3 or 7-Days or Stick with 24 Quickly-Passing Hours?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

Quick Question ..

While perusing the daily posts, have you ever come across a very good piece of work, but because it has already been a day or more in circulation you chose not to upvote it, as there would be no resulting curation reward? I have to say that I do this many times per day! If I were STEEMPower rich I would not hesitate, but the vast majority of us are very motivated by curation rewards.

Days Instead of Hours

I am not certain how this would impact the economy, but I do know that when authoring a STEEMIT post, people are very mindful of the 24 hours that they have to "make a splash" with it. If potentially very helpful curators are are not around at that particular time of day, or all day for that matter, these posts go "plunk!", straight to the bottom of the pool. Worse than not receiving much in the way of reward, many of these excellent posts go entirely unread!

More Time == Higher-Quality Work & Worth-while Curation

If people believe that they have days to attract attention, to promote to engage in the attached discussions, and so on, I believe people will spend more time on the articles themselves. Also, curators, instead of rapid-firing away, upvoting material based on the author's name alone, a long list of which they have on automatic, via bots and voting sites .. rather than this, I believe they would take the time to pass qualified judgments about each piece of work being done, on a post-by-post basis, not simply because it was written by a particular, profitable individual.

This will greatly boost STEEMIT's reputation as a source of high-quality, properly-judged content!

In brief ..

  • Authors will have a greater opportunity to be read and receive reward.
  • Curators will have more time in which they can find truly deserving posts!
  • Curation Rewards could be dealt with in the same way that STEEM Dollar to STEEM conversion is currently -base it on a weekly moving average. Actually I have no clue if that is possible or beneficial, just throwing it out there for discussion! :)
  • When a post receives support potential readers will trust that it has been properly evaluated and not something that people upvoted based purely on the compressed momentum created by those in search of curation rewards.

Just food for thought .. thank you for reading!


Yes, it is quite sad to see all the great content left to float away, down stream.

Very good idea - I believe the curation awards being based on the weekly averaging, and having the rewards "banked" for a longer period of time, will be beneficial.

Computers do smell fear and slow down!

Longer rewards periods are a great idea, the way it is now is wasting good content very fast. Something needs to be done to allow tips too, It seems pointless to keep voting when it doesn't even give the writers a penny.

It is a good idea and worth exploring. There may be some reasons for the 24 hour/30day limit split though which relate to game theory or statistical analysis. Let's see what others think.

Totally agree, we need this to become an even better community and draw more people to this allready outstanding platform. Allthough there are a couple things that i personally would like to see better, but i think steemit is working hard to become the number 1 social platform!

I've always wonder if there is like a subset way of rewarding this kind of content.

Personally, I think the quality of the site would increase if there were no compensation for the folks who upvote. Just compensate comments and posts that have been upvoted, not the upvoters themselves. I still think people would upvote, and it would be authentic appreciation driving that upvote. I recently posted on this topic. Click my name, and my most recent blog, if you'd like to see the article on it.

You mean .. like Reddit!? No no, this is the right way, but it would be nice to have a little more time to find the good stuff.

I do agree - more time. And I'm not suggesting it be like Reddit - yes, those who post articles and comments should receive rewards based on upvoting. I'm suggesting the upvoters themselves do not get compensated. Thus breaking one of the money games on Steemit, and hopefully supporting more authentic upvotes.

You are correct, that many are gaming curation, or trying to .. I think once the realize that their time would be better served building their network, finding and pulling up good content producers, and spending their time generating their own, they will see that this low-end gaming is pointless.

It is much more beneficial to simply play steemsports! :)

Paying folks to curate is an important part of the overall economy - and besides, people who are 'working' to find good material and rewarding deserving authors, deserve what they receive for their efforts.

good points!

actually, i don't know much about Reddit! Do they give compensation to posters?

No, no compensation .. well, perhaps "karma" points, but the lack of monetary incentive does nothing to improve the quality of content .. there is just as many pictures of ladies with big breasts taking selfies in their boyfriend's favorite team jersey.

thanks for this

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