Instead of creating automated censorship tools: Allow the users to fix the problem through curation.

in #steemit8 years ago (edited)

This problem with spam\attacks\plagiarism\trolling has all been dealt with before, and can be solved without creating automated tools designed for censorship.

Watching the police brigade forming to create automated content scanning and censoring weapons, is frightening. The excitement is building, the torches and pitchforks are out, and the programmers are about to enthusiastically start building tools that will be used against the users here forever.

Think about what you are trying to create... It is the exact thing decentralized networks were designed to escape! Censorship!

It is absolutely insane to immediately start building AI content filtering\scanning\attack bots on a distributed blockchain platform that should be the ultimate tool for free speech.

These problems have been encountered and solved multiple times on anonymous boards, without creating ai bots that scan messages, check for political correctness, and then push from view the messages they don't like. These AI tools will not solve personal attacks, illegal\NSFW posts, copied content, political attacks, or even simple mistagging. They will be used and abused, cost innocent people money, barely annoy spammers, and waste valuable time and effort that could be used improving the environment instead.

The steemit platform simply needs the curation tools to let users solve the problems themselves, as the steem whitepaper explains it was initially designed to do. The only reason this is a problem is because the platform was released too early, before the necessary user account features were implemented.

The individual users can solve this for themselves, if steemit will implement 3 simple user account tools:

1. Personal user blocklists

  • Once a person can block a spammer, attacker, NSFWer, troll, the problem simply disappears for them.
  • Once a person can import a personal blocklist of tagged accounts, more problems simply disappear.
  • Allow the community to create a public posted blocklists of tagged spam\troll\nsfw\plagerism accounts.
  • Allow users to import blocklists from a #spammerlist #plagerismlist, #NSFllist, or #illegallist post.
  • Allow users put on these lists to fix the problem, and get off the list. (automatically by curation\tagging)

2. Curators need the ability to retag posts.

  • By allowing early curators to retag, posts can be re-categorized by the votes from the community.
  • Mistagged items can get retagged and be moved, like from Photography to Pics, or from Pics to NSFW.
  • Curators could add spam#troll#nsfl#copypasta or whatever, to move posts to the correct category.
  • By scanning the posts retagged #spam#troll#nsfl#copypasta, a blocklist could automatically be created.

3. Personal topic\tag blocklists

  • Once a person can block spam, nsfl, and troll categories most of the problems simply disappear for them.
  • Once a person can load a blocklist (editable in their account settings), they control what they get to see.
  • Once a person can import\export a blocklist created by the re-tags of the community, the problem disappears.
  • This allows people offended by nudity, religion, politics, racism, aliens, ghosts, or furries, to make them simply disappear depending what list they load or unload.

Obviously a new user would have a default blocklist loaded, and once they find the lists in account settings they can disable it to explore the non-NSFW, Non-PC, offensive, spam and weird garbage that will pile up no matter what.

I hope these simple ideas show how these problems can be solved by each user individually, if they are given the tools to manage it themselves. This is could be a great decentralized free speech platform, if people would just focus on that goal instead of monitoring and censorship.


A note for the programmers working on the bots: Guys, Before attacking the idea in support of your extremely interesting new coding challenge, think about the other profitable steemit projects you could be building. Do you want to build the next Twitter or the first Terminator?

GOT Upvote
Have an upvote ;)

Some really awesome ideas here if you ask me... basically leaving it up to the individual with the right tools provided would make an open and decentralized platform like steemit practically magic.

Thanks! Feel free to spread them around, maybe they will get implemented if enough people talk about them.

Thank you so much for writing this post!

In the first part you articulated my feelings about vote bots extremely well and the solutions you suggested are very interesting! Keep on posting!

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