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RE: Steemit Home Page Redesign Part 2

in #steemit7 years ago

Part 1
Agreed i had an issue not understanding that “my feed” wasn’t a tab. It felt disconnective. I haven’t started revising the “blog” page yet but agreed i would want “my feed” to be a tab in the home page. For me having used Steemit for 60 days the tabs have little value. That said as a user we should make them usable. I think to your point if we add in a my feed tab or use that one as the default logged in user tab we solve that problem. I think I’d also want your feedback on what tabs we should really have that assist the user to discover content.? For me hot and trending are similar. Perhaps the tabs should read

My feed | trending | discover | onboarding

Something that illustrates to a user they want to access the content. I think a smart filter of whatever you upvote could be a new sort as well like “curated” if it was smart enough to data sort articles i like.

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