Thirty Day Update from an Average Steemit User- Short PoststeemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemit7 years ago

I just scrolled back down my page, back one month to the day when everybody blinked in amazement as their post rewards dropped dramatically overnight. If you remember that day and are reading this, congratulations: you either stuck around after that day, perhaps waiting for the "pool to refill", or you are back after the month that was predicted to check that pool, having flounced when the rewards changed. Either way, thanks for being here, it was a challenge for everybody at Steemit, and not everyone made it. A moment of silence? Nah, let's move along here.

It was easy to find the big day when I scrolled down, here's a little screen shot representing a 48 hour segment of my page around one month ago:

That earlier post showing $2.95 is probably a good average of my posts rewards prior to the big day, and interestingly it shows an almost perfect displacement of a decimal point, nearly to the penny. The rewards diminished by ten times.

While I watched the posters begin scattering with their various excuses, I posted on with my usual high-quality three-dollar posts, and a new thrill began to fill the air; some of us started seeing a change in the rewards on posts that we were up-voting-- we would often see a penny appear, sometimes more, making the 'vote' button feel like it really clicked when pushed.

Thirty Days Later...

The pool seems to have refilled! Here's another glimpse of my page from today, April 27th 2017, and things are apparently getting back to normal:

The four posts shown above represent rewards for one blog page, and all were posted during the so-called 'Whale experiment'-- results may vary. The biggest difference seems to be that maybe a voting guild or two is absent from these more recent posts, so they show less votes.

The 'pool' being so full now is cause for celebration then. The best way that I can think of celebrating, for those Steemit users who are still reading, and to all of you vote-bots too-- go to my page and up-vote as hard as you can on my more recent posts, tell me that I sent you in the comments of any one of them, and know that things are looking up again-- according to the basic laws of physics, steam rises, so what we are seeing is normal and natural.

This has been a simple update from an average Steemit user, and is not meant to be taken as financial advice. I don't give advice. In fact, here's my only advice:

"beware of giving advice, for the wise don't need it, and fools won't heed it."

[author unknown]

thanks for reading, up-vote, follow, etc.!



UGHHH I hated that day LOL. I wrote 3 really good posts, and I was doing well, Around 35.00 each, And they all dropped to under 1.00 . Although its going to take a lot more to scare me away.

I had one fizzle away similarly, and I thought something similar, like in the movies; "Is that all you got?" [snarls menacingly] I immediately began posting with all of my might, and sharing some of my best art, like a crazy person.
I'm glad you stayed around!

haha I guess I really do look like that! The term 'made it' is used very loosely here as well.

Did get a bit trying at times, but with a bit of stick-to-it-ive-ness, it seems to maybe pay off in the end. Nice assessment of the joys of the last month. I do miss the days of the average Joe getting 16.oo-50.oo now and then. Doubt those days will re-surface, but it is nice to see it slowly creeping up once more. Post on...

I do miss the occasional 'drive-by' where my little post would suddenly be worth $20 or more after being peppered with upvotes from some gang.

We made it then :) Good quote. I have found it is generally not a good idea to add a vice ;)

Never seen that before, "Steem account doesn't exist"?

That's odd, I've had some strange red error messages when replying, but steem account doesn't exist is a new one.

Yeah, what account? Strange. Then it let me post the image tho.
I was trying to write, that the numbers are not what I predicted, if you recall my prediction, but maybe this is too soon, or maybe I was just plain wrong in my prediction ;)

It's hard to say. Actually mine dropped over the past couple of days, they were climbing, I was up over ten dollars on a couple posts then back down to three lol.

I saw that too, it's inexplicable. Maybe timing? My mid-day post didn't get as much attention as the 5-6 oclock evening posts did recently.

Could be. I think morning seems to have worked the best for me. I'll have to test that theory tomorrow.

Again, not adding vice, you do quite well without my 'theories' hhaha I've had good results in mornings too, it's just hopelessly unpredictable here-- adds some fun I guess, another level.

We heard about this 30 day mark, and somehow it's evened back out now as planned. But yeah it was dismal for a bit.

For some strange reason I'm not making $200 per post. Any idea why?

Hah well as a matter of fact, when I joined in August, a few weeks later one of my posts cashed out at exactly $200 bucks, my one and only three digit post. It was a post about urban treasure hunting, but I never repeated the formula, so I can't help with that question at all.

I think that they think I'm too crazy for that much fun! I don't even know what a $50 feels like, but I truly enjoy my success. The only thing that really bugs me is when the view count is a touch too low. Especially when I'm trying to show off the art. Some day though, I'll get some art trending at the top! Mark my words!

In perspective though, my $200 post was at a time when the trending page was in the five figures. I have to think of view counts like a museum or gallery, they file through, and someday the archives will tell the true view counts.

I wonder what would happen to our $5-$10 posts sitting there for a week if the price spiked to insane levels? Would I be wrong to assume $35-$70 for the week could turn into $7000?

I do not know this. The rewards seem to trickle through a sort of self-healing screen, and in the old days the whales would go around punching holes in it, creating those 4 and 5 digit payouts. I have noticed un-cashed rewards fluctuating as they wait, and presumably they might grow in accordance with the market. A $7000 post would likely need several charts and graphs and some insightful crypto-babble to fly so high.

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