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RE: Two Years of Variety on Steemit: Practicing the Art of Uniform Inconsistency

in #steemit6 years ago

I have a chocolate problem. It's something that I can admit, because then I don't have to fix the problem, and of course then I'm free to have some chocolate, no problem. Congratulations in advance on the two years, I'll be on the lookout for that post! Oh and thanks-- I like the rat too, always liked the way he turned out. I was once in a band called the Shackrats, and I made the drawing for their posters and promo stuff.


Don't we all. Have a chocolate problem, that is, not make posters for the Shackrats. That, I think, is for you and you alone. I mean really, when you think about it the biggest addictions are: (not in order)

  1. Chocolate
  2. Coffee
  3. Umm, air, I guess?
  4. Life, definitely life. No one gets out of that addiction alive.
  5. Hmm, gotta go with the internet. It's a common problem.
  6. For those with whom I associate (yes, I did phrase it like that just so I could say 'whom.' Got a problem with that?) books. Definitely books.
  7. Did I mention coffee yet?
  8. And speaking of bad jokes
  9. Really annoying long lists?
  10. I should probably stop here
  11. But I'm not going to. Because I'm contrary.
  12. And on that note, obstinacy.

Okay, I think I'm actually done now.

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